Irish Composers from RTÉ Lyric

Started by albion, Saturday 12 November 2011, 11:56

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A number of broadcasts of music by Irish composers have been added to the archive recently, and members with an interest in this area might like to know that there are several forthcoming (18th November) new releases from the enterprising RTÉ Lyric label -

Frederick May -

John Kinsella -

Seán Ó Riada -



What an extraordinary coincidence ;D Until a week ago I had actually forgotten about the existence of Frederick May.

I am particularly excited about the release of the two Kinsella symphonies(Nos. 6 and 7-No.6 is already available for download from this site). Marco Polo issued Nos. 3 and 4 fifteen years ago and what magnificent works they proved to be :)

Mark Thomas

One of the delights of UC: I'd never heard of John Kinsella but read Dundonnell's enthusiastic post and downloaded the Sixth from BMB straight away. I really enjoyed it, so I went straight to ClassicsOnline, sampled the Third and Fourth Symphonies and liked what I heard even more, so I bought the tracks and have begun downloading them, full of anticipation. What a wonderful thing the internet can be. (Almost) instant gratification.

Thanks for the tip!


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Saturday 12 November 2011, 16:46
One of the delights of UC: I'd never heard of John Kinsella but read Dundonnell's enthusiastic post and downloaded the Sixth from BMB straight away. I really enjoyed it, so I went straight to ClassicsOnline, sampled the Third and Fourth Symphonies and liked what I heard even more, so I bought the tracks and have begun downloading them, full of anticipation. What a wonderful thing the internet can be. (Almost) instant gratification.

Thanks for the tip!

As you say, the internet is such a wonderful means of spreading both information and enthusiasm ;D

I bought a few of the Marco Polo Irish Composers Series when they came out. I enjoyed Seroise Bodley's Symphonies Nos. 4 and 5 "The Limerick" and A. J. Potter's Sinfonia 'De Profundis' but the pick were the two Kinsella symphonies: sweeping, majestic music with echoes of composers like Bruckner and Sibelius but in a modern context. Just my kind of music ;D ;D

I don't pretend to know Ireland well but I have spent about a month in total exploring by car the west and south of the country. Music inspired by landscape and evocative of the scenery and history of the countryside has a particular resonance with me and I therefore find Kinsella's 4th "The Four Provinces" especially meaningful.


Delighted to hear about the John Kinsella. I liked the Marco Polo release of his symphonies so much that i wrote him a fan letter - he sent the most charming reply.

Another great Irish work is the turbulent Symphony 'De Profundis' by A.J. Potter (Marco Polo).  He was a pupil of Vaughan williams and any one who responds to VW's Symphony No 6 should respond to the Potter too.