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George Lloyd?

Started by monafam, Thursday 17 September 2009, 13:52

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If anyone thinks that Don Gillis is just light music & high jinks do get hold of the
Albany cd of his symphonies 5 & 6. You may be suprised! Highly recommended.


This seems to be turning into a Don Gillis thread. Shame on Shamophone for
being too snooty to review the Albany cd's. (Thank you Classics Today!)


Quote from: Pengelli on Saturday 19 September 2009, 10:48
This seems to be turning into a Don Gillis thread. Shame on Shamophone for
being too snooty to review the Albany cd's. (Thank you Classics Today!)

That's ok about this becoming Gillis', threads have a way of going off and evolving in their own way at time.  Besides, it sounds like, while many tolerate Lloyd, he may be someone "unsung" for reasons pertaining to the issues people raised above.  I still like what I've heard though, but it's not making any of my Top 10 lists! :)


Yes,it's funny about Lloyd.There was a sort of huge flurry of interest around him some
years ago;then as soon as most of his stuff got recorded it all seemed to fade away.


A cautionary tale,perhaps? Actually,another similair case springs to mind.Berthold
Goldschmidt. All that surge of praise and interest,and then nothing.............


I just got the Albany cd of Gillis's 7th,the other day.One of his best.He REALLY
could write 'serious' music when he wanted to. Eat your heart out Copland!


I have all of Lloyd's (12) symphonies and they are a mixed bag. You never know quite what to expect but I am very glad I have them. The 4th, 5th and 11th may be the best.
Some sections of the music are as painfully banal as a operettas(The first symphony with big tunes comes to mind) and yet are definitely worth the listen for many touching and memorable moments. Obviously, the music is never high-minded, esoteric, oblique or academic.
Lloyd's forte are his concerti, they are top shelf, with more consistency and a higher level of inspiration and the absence of any banality. Violin(2), piano(4) and cello, all excellent.
The Symphonic Mass is a glorious creation, and the Suite from "The Serf" is also a must-hear.


Nice to see someone sticking up for him!