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Edouard Broustet 1836-1901

Started by giles.enders, Tuesday 20 December 2011, 13:44

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Edouard Broustet  29.4.1836 - 25.11.1901
A native of Toulouse. he left to study in Paris; composition with Pierre Maleden and piano with Camille-Marie Stamaty and later with Henri Litolff.  He was a conductor, pianist and composer.  In later life he retired to Bagneres-de-Luchon.


Symphonie Concertante for piano and orchestra in D minor Op.38  1869  (there is also a piano reduction of this) Dedicated to Litolff.  Pub. by Chouden
Badinerie for flute, two clarinets and strings
Moroccan Dance  for small orchestra  Op.53
Reve apres le Bal - scherzo for orchestra  Op.55 (also for flute and piano, violin and piano and cello and piano)   pub. by A Leduc
Scenes bearnaises  Op.76   pub. by J R Lafleur & Son. London
Frissons d'amour for small orchestra  1892   pub. by J R Lafleur & Son.  London
Souvenir de la Pologne  Op.31a  orchestrated by J Massenet   pub. by E Minier


Piano Trio No.1
Piano Trio No.2   Op.42  pub. by Choudens
Serenade for piano Trio  Op.49
Air & Variations in ancient style;  for 2 violins, viola, cello & double bass.  pub. by Victor Sicard
Violin Sonata
Cello Sonata
Introduction and gavotte in B flat major for violin and piano  Op.46
Berceuse for violin and piano  Op.105
Fantasie sur des Airs Espagnols for violin and piano  Op.108   pub. by Barthlot & Heraud.
Berceuse for string quartet in A major Op.53  pub. by E Minier
Badinerie for flute & piano


'Annette' valse 188
'The Avalanche' waltz
'Battle of Flowers' waltz
'Chiffonette' 1887
'Confessions' waltz
Spanish waltz 1893
'Cora' 1889
Criquette  1889
'Dear Adored' 1891
'Lost Memory' 1889
'Dishelved' 1890
'Poppies' 1888
Berceuse  Op.27
Suite de waltz  1890
Souvenir de la Pologne - two mazurkas  Op.30   pub. by Berlin & Posen
Souvenir de la Pologne - two mazurkas  Op.31  pub. by B Schott & Son
'Maladetta' Souvenir de Pyranees - suite de valses  Op.33 pub. by Bathlot
Impromptu - valse  Op.34  1868  pub. by Choudens
Etudes de style et de perfectionnement  Op.36  pub. by Choudens
La danse des negres  Op.37  1867  pub. by Choudens
Ella ! - mazurka pathetique in E minor Op.44  pub. by Choudens
Scenes Fantaisies, Reve après le Bal:  Op.55:  Habenera,  Noel,  Chanson Bohemienne,  Saltarella.   pub. by L Bathlot.
Valse des Baisers  Op.106   pub. by Durand & Schoenwerke. Paris
Souvenir d'Ischia - tarantella  Op.107   pub. by L Bathlot
Pavane Medicis - Theorie composee par di Saria  Op.110   pub. by Lissarrague. Paris
Sorrentina, Chanson Napolitaine.  Op.111   pub. by H Heugel
Trois suite de valses:
Pres de toi !  Op.113
Loin de tois ! Op.114
Toujours toi ! Op.115
Suel ! Souvenir de l'ami Fritz - suite de valses  Op.210
Reve apres les bal
Chansons polonaises
Aurelie - mazurka   pub. by L Bathlot.  Paris
Biribi - polka
Bresilienne - transcriptions for piano   pub. by L Bathlot. Paris
Bonita - valse espagnole
Folles-Marches polka   pub. by Barthlot & Heraud
Gabrielle - polka-mazurka   pub. by Bathlot & Heraud
Legende Languedocienne   pub. by H Heugel. Paris
Les echevelees - suite de valses
Les pupilles de la garde - retraite militaire  1883
Oui, ma belle  1898
Parisis - polka   pub. by Bathlot & Heraud
Rallye-Paper - polka-march   pub. by Bathlot & Heraud
Remember - suite de valses   pub. by Bathlot & Heraud
Kitra baiser d'amour - mazurka russe
Ivane - polka-mazurka
Yolande, souvenir de Barsous - suite de valses
Marthe, suite de valses   pub. by Bathlot & Heraud
Airs Pyreneens, transcriptions for piano   pub. by A Leduc. Paris
Air and varie dans le style ancien


'Dreams' for voice and piano  1896
Ten melodies for high voice




Giles, it appears I gave you the wrong name. It is in fact Edouard* and not Emile, but even then information appears to be slight.

He was a pupil of Stamaty, Ravina and Litolff and was a music director in Luchon, later in Tolouse.



*I have duly amended the title of this thread...
Alan Howe


He is elusive.  I checked the 1911 Grove as well as 1950 and 1980 - apparently they didn't know him.....



According to IMSLP there's a brief biography of him in Fétis, Supplement et Complément (1881) and also (much briefer but in English) in Baker 1919 (available @ IMSLP, see Fétis Biographie, page 129 of volume 1 of the 1881 edition. The Fétis is of course in French and begins like this-

BROUSTET (Edouard}, pianiste et compositeur, issu d'une famille honorable et
aisée, naquit à Toulouse, le 29 avril 1836. Son pere, notable commerçant de cet ville, désirait lui voir suivre la même carrière [typical story! - Eric], mais en penchant irrésistible entrainait le jeune homme vers la musique. Sa première éducation artistique fut cependant assez négligée [neglected- Eric],  et ce n'est qu'à partir de l'
âge de vingt ans environ que M. Broustet commença à travailler sérieusement.

Works of Broustet @ IMSLP include his 2nd piano trio op.42 (1881?) and a Mazurka for piano op.31 (or 30) Souvenir de la Pologne (pub.1867). Works I'd like to see (and will now put in a IMSLP-request in at the wishlist if not there already :) ) include the piano quintet and piano concertos (symphonie concertante op.38 pub. by Choudens, and regular concerto) mentioned by Baker's.

Gareth Vaughan

The UK COPAC lists 42 titles by Broustet, mostly solo piano works, but some chamber - including a Violin (or Cello) Sonata and a Serenade for Piano Trio. BL has the score of his Symphonie concertante in D minor, but it is not clear from the record whether this is a Full Score or a 2-piano score; also the piano score only and orchestral parts of the Scenes bearnaises for orchestra + the orchestral parts only of the Valse "Frissons d'amour"! Fleisher has scores and parts of 5 orchestral salon pieces which sound enchanting (e.g. Badinerie for flute with accompaniment of 2 clarinets & strings).


It was the Symphonie Concertante (dedicated to Litolff) that sparked the interest in this composer.

Regretfully, the BL holding is only a 2 piano score and whilst not in the same class as Litolff's works, it has a rather upbeat finale that could sound terribly effective in the right hands. Unfortunately, it does not sound very good under my hands, as I cannot get the blighter up to speed.



The Spanish National Library at Madrid has, I think, a full score of the opus 38 Symphonie concertante (if Worldcat is accurate- will have to check further later- unless that too is just the piano reduction or even just the piano part?... can't quite understand now). Premiered, according to the Worldcat record, 1869-03-22.) from which someone might be able to extract a set of parts, I imagine. The French National Library seems to have just a violin I part ... (?) have a notion that there is a complete set of parts at a library uncatalogued (or not fully) by Worldcat. But this is maybe a hope and guess. (I'd really like to find an MS string quartet in there somewhere ;) )


Ah well, we are slowly unearthing another unsung, the resources of this site never cease to astonish me. Thank you all.


for Thalbergmad, I have added all I can find on Broustet


The Berceuse op.53 is for string quartet or string orchestra at IMSLP (complete parts, estimated date of publication 1880 though haven't checked with the Bibliographie de la France yet)- didn't know it even existed in an alternate version for piano, though that makes sense.


In The British Library Cat. Op.53 is listed as Morrocan Dance for small orchestra so it is a little confusing, I don't like assuming things but I suspect he recycled some of his music for different combinations of instruments.


Thanks to Cypressdome for finding a 2-piano reduction of his symphonie concertante (premiered 1869, published 1873 with a dedication to Litolff) (scanned by the Spanish National Library; they have a very good collection of scans there!)- largest-scale thing of his I've seen so far. (See IMSLP.)

As to Op.53: the Free Library of Philadelphia also lists it as a Danse morocaine, instrumentation "1-fl, 1-pc, 2-ob, 2-cl, 2-bn, 4-hn, 4-tpt (incl. 2-crt), 3-trb, 1-tb, tmp, 3-prc, str."; they have score and parts.  ... Hrm! (Have put in a note on the Berceuse page asking if anyone -there- might have a copy of the other and any idea. I'm still waiting on a reply on my last email to FLP and not going to email them about anything else just yet.)

Gareth Vaughan

To confuse matters further the University of Manchester Library has the following Broustet score catalogued as Op. 53:

    Berceuse pour instruments à cordes avec ctre [music] : basse ad lib. : Op. 53.
    Broustet, Edouard.

While the British Library has:

    Berceuse pour violon avec accompagnement ... de piano. Op. 105.
    Broustet, Edouard, 1836-

Gareth Vaughan

Having at last read through the 2-piano score of the Symphonie concertante, Op. 38 which was kindly uploaded to IMSLP, I can only regret that the orchestral material does not so far appear to have been located. It is rather a charming work which, while not in the same class as Litolff's Concerti symphoniques (as thalbergmad states), would sound very well with a good pianist.

Eric, I think you said you thought there might be a set of parts in some library somewhere, not yet catalogued by Worldcat - or you thought this might be wishful thinking. Has the wishful thinking produced any fruit in the intervening years? I fear I have been able to discover nothing.


... BNF has the first violin part (only) which just slightly better than nothing? Erm... no, nothing yet. Unless this is it. (It doesn't say reduction, but it might be... if the people at BNF are willing to look and see what it is..