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Amelia von Sachsen: Elvira

Started by mikehopf, Wednesday 17 August 2022, 08:02

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On WDR3 on Saturday night:

Dresdner Musikfestspiele

Amalie von Sachsen: "Elvira" ( 1821)
Oper in zwei Akten

Barberina - Romy Petrick
Elvira - Stephanie Atanasov
Fernando - Carlos Moreno Pelizari
Prinz Muley - Falk Hoffmann
Ali - Carl Thiemt
Pedrillo - Clemens Heidrich
Dresdner Kapellsolisten
Leitung: Helmut Branny

Aufnahme vom 6. Juni 2022, Dresden, Palais im Großen Garten (4 hrs.)

Alan Howe


Oh dear! It happened again! The internet gave up on me and I was unable to record "Elvira".

Can anyone help?


Problem solved:

Dear Mike Hopf,

Unfortunately, the concert will not be rebroadcast.

However, you can listen to it via the following link. Both operas are provided:

With kind regards
Your WDR 3 Programme Service