New Duttons for February

Started by BFerrell, Saturday 28 January 2012, 14:28

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This thread needs renaming now: despite an unusually long February, still no sign...




...and ordered! Nice to see some David Morgan, and in fact I would probably have skipped the 'light music' disc otherwise. Very much looking forward to the Wallfisch. I've really been enjoying Sainsbury's Violin Concerto. Anyway, three cheers for Dutton, once again.


Funny thing, I don't even notice the price! It's irrelevant to issues like these. The Foulds is certainly a magical piece  that I cannot wait to hear in great sound. The lighter David Morgan is exciting too. Let's hope it's the "right" David Morgan (1933-1988).


Yes, I'm assuming that David Morgan, who has made a few appearances on threads here. And you're right, I don't even look at the price now, I just order the whole lot, even the mysterious VW 5th. The only ones I've not bothered with of late have been Jane Austen and Doreen Carwithen. Otherwise, I trust Dutton to introduce me to something wonderful, and I am seldom disappointed. Mike Dutton deserves to be richer than that Simon thingy from the X-Factor.


Now if only they'd make a box set of those light music discs. I can never get enough of it...

Alan Howe

Here in Suffolk, England, the sun peeps out from the clouds, the birds cheep merrily in the hedgerows, the frogs discharge much energy in the pond doing things that would make my grandmother blush, spring calls.... and whao, all the new Duttons are on the HMV website at £5.99 post free and with a release date given of 12 March.

Now surely life can't be much better than that!!


Quote from: on Thursday 08 March 2012, 12:32
Here in Suffolk, England, the sun peeps out from the clouds, the birds cheep merrily in the hedgerows, the frogs discharge much energy in the pond doing things that would make my grandmother blush, spring calls.... and whao, all the new Duttons are on the HMV website at £5.99 post free and with a release date given of 12 March.

Now surely life can't be much better than that!!

You are obviously a better man than I ;D I can't find them on the HMV website :(. Where did you locate them ??? ???

Gareth Vaughan

The HMV search engine is dismally hopeless. You need to enter the number of the disk. Then it will find it and you can purchase.


Thank you, Gareth :)

That worked: Foulds/Sainsbury and Catoire/Sherwood successfully ordered ;D

I agree with Gareth - it is entirely dismal (actually rather worse than that, but let's not try quantify grades of dismality!)

However, not entirely hopeless - for with a nudge or two it can be made to come up with the desired results. I found these new Dutton releases through clicking on the following:
Coming Soon
and then trawling through (as at today's date) 12 pages. (You also have to be pretty adroit in recognising what is meant by an HMV abbreviation of a composer / performer name. Those abbreviations are often very stupid, but with repeated practice you become more skilled!)

I undertake this basic trawl through 'Coming Soon' every couple of days. That way you manage to catch most of the new releases, unless it happens to be a very esoteric label - but even then odd unexpected things show up. However, one warning: strangely some new releases never appear under 'Coming Soon'. For example, I'd got wind of the new Accord recording of Bernard Herrmann's 'Wuthering Heights' (I'd got to know the opera through an old Unicorn recording and it still gives me the goosebumps). It has never appeared under 'Coming Soon' (where generally there is a generous pre-release price). And I only found it in the last day or so with an 'Advanced Search' - with a post-release price of £24.??. But still, not bad for a 3CD set I suppose.

If time permits I'd also seriously advise friends to trawl through 'Special Offers' - to be sure, there is an awful lot of Ms Jenkins and Mr Boe to get through, but tucked away you can find some real bargain releases of 'proper' music from the last few months.

And finally, OOOOOOH DESPAIR, looking at the new Chandos releases under 'Coming Soon' (e.g. Vol 4 of the Halvorsen series) it looks as if HMV have increased the price of Chandos from £8.99 to £11.99. I'm hoping that's a mistake!!

Apologies to all non-UK readers for whom this rather tedious post about HMV will have little interest.

Alan Howe

Strange. I just entered 'Foulds' into their search engine and there it was (8th item down)! Simples!


Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 08 March 2012, 14:19
Strange. I just entered 'Foulds' into their search engine and there it was (8th item down)! Simples!

I definitely tried that one...or was it "John Foulds" ???   Anyway 'tis done now ;D