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Hyperion RVC Series

Started by Gareth Vaughan, Tuesday 03 November 2009, 21:04

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Gareth Vaughan

Mike tells me that the reason this series is going so slowly is that he is finding it much more difficult to persuade violinists to embrace "unsung" repertoire than pianists. On the whole, he says, they are pretty reluctant.
So, if we can find some top-notch violinists who are prepared to look beyond the normal concert fodder, we can perhaps help this series to blossom.

Alan Howe

This is important information - thanks, Gareth. It may be that we have to find such violinists from the ranks of the up-and-coming, rather than the established virtuosos.

So, come on you aspiring violinists: make yourself known to us here on the forum!! Or, forum members, make some suggestions, please!! Have you recently heard an outstanding young violinist who might be approached?


Pip Clarke perhaps? A young, beautiful, ambitious virtuoso? But is she approachable? And if so, by whom?
Or Philippe Graffin, who gave such a wonderful performance of the Cliffe?

Yavar Moradi

Christian Tetzlaff! I just heard him do Szymanowski's 1st here at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, and he was terrific! First time I heard him was several years ago when working for the Houston Symphony. He did Joachim's 2nd and it was hands down the best live performance of any concerto I've ever heard!

He's definitely somebody who's open to more obscure music, and who plays it better than anyone else.

Unfortunately he may be in a contract right now...


Mark Thomas

Tobias Ringborg is first rate and has recorded several unsung concertos. He's also a conductor so maybe there'd be salary saved there....


Graffin, Tasmin Little and Stephen Marwood have already participated in the RVC Series.  May I add in the name of Chloe Hanslip if she isn't already under exclusive contract to Naxos?  Perhaps Rachel Barton, if she isn't likewise obligated exclusively to record for Cedille?  Hagai Shaham did marvelous work on the Hubay concertos.  Also, Hilary Hahn has recorded Spohr's 8th VC (paired with Pag 1) for DG, although I believe she does have an exclusive contract.

Alan Howe

I'd second Mark on Ringborg. His playing in the Raff VC1, etc. on the Sterling CD is astounding.


Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 06 November 2009, 08:17
I'd second Mark on Ringborg. His playing in the Raff VC1, etc. on the Sterling CD is astounding.
He's not bad in Sterling's Aulin and Bengtsson VC recordings either... :)

Gareth Vaughan

This is great, guys - but here's how it works in the recording industry: if an artist with known audience appeal approaches a record company and says "I've got this really good concerto I'd like to record, but it's by someone you've never heard of..." there's a good chance it'll be recorded (as with Nigel Kennedy and Mlynarski). So if we could interest any of these violinists in performing some of the unsungs, they (or we) could then go to Hyperion and say: "We've got a work and we've got a performer. Interested?"