James Friskin Chamber Music from Nimbus

Started by Lionel Harrsion, Monday 05 March 2012, 17:50

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Lionel Harrsion

This new release from Nimbus looks interesting http://www.wyastone.co.uk/james-friskin-piano-quintet-phantasie-for-string-quartet-elegy-for-viola-and-piano-and-phantasy-piano-quintet.html.  Is anyone familiar with Friskin's output and its style? I confess to complete ignorance.   ::)

Alan Howe

Well, to some extent we can judge for ourselves from the audio samples. To me he sounds pretty conservative in his earlier music, but there seems to be a clear advance in style by the time we reach the Phantasy. Thanks for the heads-up.

Lionel Harrsion

I could have judged for myself if I'd actually noticed the audio samples.  I am clearly becoming more ga-ga by the day  :(


Ga-ga? Never!! (And if so, well, what a pleasant state to inhabit!)

I'm not going to pretend to any knowledge of James Friskin, but his Phantasie Trio in E minor is to be found on a British Music Society disc along with the Bridge C minor Phantasie, Ireland A minor Phantasie, and Moeran Piano Trio in D major - and a lovely disc it is. Performed by a Pf Trio whom I've not encountered before, with the unlikely name of Cantamen (although the individual players themselves are fairly well known in chamber music circles).

Apologies, my syntax has gone quite queer - clear signs of my own ga-ga state!

On the evidence of the work in this disc I'm certainly getting in the queuw for the new Nimbus disc. Besides such ventures into the unsung deserve to be supported.

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

Friskin's music is very lovely indeed. Well constructed and melodic - nothing earth-shaking but beautiful on the ear. And that's fine by me.

Mark Thomas

I've just downloaded and listened to these pieces of Friskin's and I can heartily endorse Gareth's characterisation of the works. Not rediscovered masterpieces but well put together, satisfying music to which I will return. Thoroughly recommended.


I first ran into Friskin's name, I think, when I saw his piano trio phantasy uploaded by Sibley.  Some other library has uploaded his piano quintet (op.1) score. (Because of his death date - >1960 - these are for the next few years only viewable in the US due to copyright laws- the 50 and 70-year laws apply elsewhere. Looked interesting at least from brief skims. Will be good to hear. Not surprised that the phantasy did well at the Cobbett competition...)