Hard to find CDs of Italian composers

Started by miklos, Saturday 04 February 2012, 22:20

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I recently encountered a website for an Italian company called Rainbow Classics. They list a number of highly desirable releases by such 20th century Italians as Franco Margola (several orchestral CDs), Antonio Veretti, Giuolio Viozzi, etc. Upon contacting them I was informed that their CDs are available only in "a few European countries", presumably Italy being among them.
Can anyone help this USA collector obtain these most attractive soundings discs? I love collecting the music of conservative 20th century Italians whose works have long been ignored, for either political (taint of fascism) or aesthetic reasons or both.


Unfortunately I cannot help. Furthermore, I have never seen a single Rainbow Classic Cd in Italy , nor read about it.
Nor this label appears to have its own website.


Rainbow does have a website: www.rainbowclassical.com
Therein they also list various emails and telephone numbers to contact them. Their site says that they are working on having online sales, but as yet it is not ready. Perhaps they are bogus and the listed CDs do not exist; they did look too good to be true!


Now I have visited the website. Some (indeed, very few) of the artists are more or less known. The catalogue is on paper partially interesting.
But I have never seen one Cd and the label claims to exist since 1996. Nor it is already organized in order to sell on line.


Hrm, they have music by Margola, a disc of whose music I saw reviewed in Fanfare awhile back.  Anyhow, I see that their chamber music disc of Margola's music seems to be at two libraries in the US, which is good... (or at least suggests that the label was once obtainable.) A few other Rainbow Classics discs, not new ones, also show up @Worldcat, including discs of Rota, Gaubert, CPE Bach and others  (including one with a sonata by John Francis Barnett.)

Martin Eastick

I have the CD of the John Francis Barnett flute sonata on this label -  quite a brilliant CD in all! - it was being sold through the Berkshire Record Outlet at a knock-down price a few years back  but now seems to sold out - they only list one title now from this label. The website appears to look OK - perhaps it would be worth a try placing an order via e-mail as I suspect that after a period of relative inactivity, they seem to relaunching!


As I noted in my initial post, I did try to order via email, but was told that Rainbow Classics does not sell through the mail. and their CDs are available in only "a few European countries", Italy presumably being one of them. I was glad to hear that some of their issues were once sold through Berkshire, but I assure everyone that none of the Margolas (ESPECIALLY the several orchestral ones) nor the Giuzzi, or Veretti were ever sold through Berkshire. Me and my friends would have grabbed them immediately.
So, the CDs I am after remain extremely elusive and I am hoping that someone in Italy can help.


Yup, that's the same answer I got, except in English. I have asked a friend with contacts in Italy to see what can be done. If nothing else, it would at least be good to verify that the wanted discs actually exist.
Someone above mentioned that this company's releases include "some known artists". Hey, this site is about COMPOSERS, so who cares about the artists when we are talking about incredibly rare, never before heard or dreamed about repertoire like the Margolas, Veretti and Viozzi CDs.

Steve B