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Stunning piano concerto openings

Started by Peter1953, Sunday 03 May 2009, 09:30

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Do you recommend a PC from one of our unsung composers with an impressive, stunning opening like Brahms 1 or the elegant Hummel PC's op. 85&89? I am thinking of Henselt, including his formidable piano entry.


When I'm restricting myself to 'grand gestures', these spring to mind:

Atterberg Piano Concerto
Bortkiewicz #1 (great crescendo) and #2
Grieg (of course)
Rued Langgaard, Fra Arild
Palmgren #1 (very delicate)
Pfitzner (!)
Rautavaara #1
Scharwenka #1
Robert Schumann
Stanford #2
Stenhammar #2
Tchaikovsky #2


Well, both of Brahms' Concertos would qualify.

But, in the "unsung' vein - one that stands out for me is the opening of the piano concerto of Henry Holden Huss.


Hi all

I would include the opening of Raff's own concerto. I agree wholeheartedly with Peter1953 about the Pfitzner concerto - the  grandiose and portentous opening takes some beating.

Somewhat earlier, the winsome opening of Hummel's op110, along with the fireworks during and after the entry of the soloist, has always had a special appeal - but that may be due to my discovery of the work via a really flamboyant performance by Michael Ponti.



Um, Peter, Michael Ponti never did the Hummel E Major Concerto.  That's Hans Kann you're thinking about (on an old LP coupled with the Kalkbrenner PC 1).

Mark Thomas

How about Dohnanyi's Variations on a Nursery Theme? Just about as portentous an opening as you could conjure up - it even outdoes Brahms' 1st. Piano Concerto. Of course, what follows isn't quite what you're led to expect by this beginning  :D


What about Hiller 2?  The Alnaes concerto?  For more subdued but equally stunning and effective PC openings the 2nd and 3rd Concertos of Reinecke are favorites of mine.  And of course, the Napravnik Concerto Symphonique has a spectacular opening gesture.

Yavar Moradi

My favorite "stunning" piano concerto opening is Kullak's -- a subtle build up and then it just *explodes* into that great theme!



The opening of the Castillon PC is very elegant. One of my favourites.


Hi all

Sorry, Jiml, excuse the confusion. You are right, it is Kann. But whatever, Hummel's grand intro is superb.

Re Brahms no 1 - it is a pity he can't be classified as an unknown, because if he was the piano concerto no. 1 (various performances) would carry off the honours.  Come to think of it (it is playing now, Hough as soloist), the work does have my favourite opening. But consider also Raff's concerto - Ponti preferred.

Syrelius, am with you. The Castillon concerto is a wonderful work, during and after the tasteful and dreamy opening. I would also give Lalo's piano concerto applause at the starting block. And, to stay with French works, the pseudo-Wagnerian drama of the intro to Cecile Chaminade's Konzertstuck deserves high marks. Pretty surprising, even if tongue in cheek.



Quote from: peter_conole on Monday 04 May 2009, 15:44
I would also give Lalo's piano concerto applause at the starting block.

Hi Peter,

do you know if the Lalo PC is available on CD? I think the old Vox CD is out of circulation.

Gareth Vaughan

Litolff: Concerto Symphonique No. 4 - no question. It's a completely OTT entry for the soloist.

Alan Howe

Stunningly beautiful and memorable: Reinecke PC3.

Steven Eldredge

I am with you on the Hummel B minor Concerto, Opus 89. This is one of my favorite concertos of all time, from the mysterious tympani opening, to the way the piano sort of sneaks in.

But to me the greatest piano concerto opening of all is still Herr Beethoven's 4th Concerto in G. Piano calmly and serenely starting by itself in G major, and the orchestra coming in in B major. Nothing quite so lovely in all of music.

In the same vein, I love the piano entrance of the Scriabin Concerto, which is such a beautiful piece all round. Another one where the piano sort of sneaks in. Hmmm...I wonder what this says about me? Sneaky?

Then there is the Busoni, which out-chords the Tchaikovsky #1 to the n-th degree.

I have often thought about how many famous concertos, piano and violin have arresting openings: for instance, what can beat the Mendelssohn E minor violin Concerto start? Now matter how many thousands of times I hear it, it still thrills.

This is a great question, makes me review so many pieces in my memory.

Steven in NYC


Thank you all for your suggestions. Most of us, including myself, think Brahms with the grandiose opening of his PC #1 carries off the honours, like Peter says. And yes, of course, Beethoven #4 but also #5. And Rachmaninoff #2...For our unsung heroes I keep thinking that it's all a matter of personal taste.
Ilja mentions a few Scandinavian (?) composers I have never heard of, but also Scharwenka #1. I love all his 4 PC's but prefer #4, not only for the opening but also the beautiful 2nd movement and the thrilling finale.
Orff, I still haven't heard the whole Huss PC, but listened to the opening on Hyperion's website. Definately an explosive piano entry!
Talking about Hummel, I have his op. 110 played by the London Mozart Players with Howard Shelley, but I find many concertos, how brilliant they are and full of delightful themes, somewhat too classical, except for his op. 85&89, both with very elegant openings. Like I said, it's a matter of taste.
I agree with Yavar. One of my favourites in Hyperion's series of Romantic PC's is Kullak. A subtle opening followed by captivating themes. What a pity that this splendid and brilliant work is the only music of Kullak on CD. He must have been a very interesting and creative composer as well.
I am not yet familiar with the Castillon. Alan, I agree with you on Reinecke's #3, but I prefer his #1. Yes, Litolff #4 features an opening which is hard to forget, just like the story of his adventurous life. And of course, the opening of Raff's PC is delightful. I don't know Ponti's playing, I have the Aronsky. And has anyone heard the catchy opening of Tomášek's PC #1?
In summary, there are a lot of unknown PC's to be explored by me. I'm very much looking forward to the coming release of Benedict's PC's. Hopefully with superb openings...

But so far the Henselt is still my unsung favourite, and not only because of the stunning opening (I like it even more than Rubinstein #4...).