Unrecorded 20th Century British Concertos: an update

Started by Dundonnell, Sunday 19 February 2012, 01:06

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Given the recent addition to the British Music Catalogue and Archive on this site of a number of 20th century British concertos not otherwise available on cd I thought it might be worthwhile just to update the list of those concertos which are still not available to members.

The list is, of course, selective but is, I hope, complete and accurate for those composers named.

Joseph Holbrooke:                 Violin Concerto "The Grasshopper"(1917)
                                                Piano Concerto No.2 "L'Orient"(1928)
Sir Lennox Berkeley:              Flute Concerto(1952)
                                                Concerto for Piano and Double String Orchestra(1958)
Robert Still:                            Violin Concerto(1969)
                                                Piano Concerto(1970)
Humphrey Searle:                  Piano Concerto No.1(1944)
                                                Piano Concerto No.2(1955)
John Gardner:                        Trumpet Concerto(1962)
                                                Bassoon Concerto(2004)
Iain Hamilton:                        Clarinet Concerto(1950)
                                               Jazz Trumpet Concerto(1958)
                                               Organ Concerto(1964)
                                               Violin Concerto No.2 "Amphion"(1971)
                                               Concerto for Harp and small orchestra(1992)
Arthur Butterworth:              Trumpet Concerto(1992)
                                               Cello Concerto(1997)
                                               Guitar Concerto(2000)
Alun Hoddinott:                     Cello Concerto(1948)
                                              Concerto for Oboe and Strings(1955)
                                              Violin Concerto No.1(1960)
Kenneth Leighton:                Concerto for Violin and small orchestra(1952)
                                             Concerto for Two Pianos, Timpani and Strings(1954)
William Mathias:                  Violin Concerto(1992)
John McCabe:                       Violin Concerto No.1 "Sinfonia Concertante"(1959)
                                             Oboe d'Amore Concerto(1972)
                                             Piano Concerto No.3 "Dialogues"(1976)
                                             Oboe Concerto(1994)

I have omitted Gordon Jacob and Stanley Bate. In the case of the former there is a huge number of unrecorded concertos, in the case of the latter there is still some confusion about which concertos are still extant. I have also omitted the Cyril Scott Harpsichord Concerto and the Kenneth Leighton Piano Concerto No.1 which are, I understand it, awaiting release on cd.

The complete concertos of composers like Havergal Brian, York Bowen, Alan Bush, Edmund Rubbra, William Alwyn, Alan Rawsthorne, Benjamin Frankel, Arnold Cooke, William Wordsworth, Daniel Jones, George Lloyd, Bernard Stevens, Peter Racine Fricker, Robert Simpson and Sir Malcolm Arnold are all available.


Actually, has there ever been a recording of Frankel's "Konzert fuer Jugendpublikum" op.48?

Gareth Vaughan

I have enquired about the Arnell harpsichord concerto and, sad to relate, it is currently "lost". That does not mean, of course, that it may not be "found" at a later date.


I have removed Arnell's currently lost Harpsichord Concerto but added some entries for John Gardner and Arthur Butterworth :)


Quote from: eschiss1 on Sunday 19 February 2012, 05:33
Actually, has there ever been a recording of Frankel's "Konzert fuer Jugendpublikum" op.48?

Not as far as I know but since it is described as a concerto "for orchestra and audience participation" I have, somewhat arbitrarily I admit, excluded it as an unconventional sort of concerto ;D


arbitrarily or cagily? (ok, even though I'm not an anti-fan of J. Cage, I will still say I suspect that Frankel's concerto is not much influenced by Cage's work- but I haven't heard it so can't really say even though I know some other works of his. Some composers are very good at surprising, and cheers for it. Anyhow, back to!)