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Sterndale Bennett & others

Started by Gareth Vaughan, Tuesday 03 November 2009, 11:55

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Quote from: thalbergmad on Saturday 07 November 2009, 21:50
He did give me permission to digitalise the LP a while ago and post it privately.

I will ask him to see if he will allow me to post it here.
While you're at it, why don't you extend an invite?  He has a lot of fans here.

Martin Eastick

Just a quick note re P.A.Corri - if anyone is interested at all I have a copy of this complete with all the instrumental parts. It is a most attractive work and as far as English works go from this period, probably ranks amongst the best in my opinion, although for the reasons stated by others, is perhaps not suitable to go with the Pixis! I have also had the good fortune to have had the opportunity to perform this with ensemble and was well received on both occasions!

Also - concerning the Logier Op13 - I have played this in a version I have for 2 pianos (very unusual for this period!) and likewise would not hesitate to recommend it - this also went down well and I am sure the orchestral material could be reconstructed - especially with the benefit of a separate Piano II part in addition to the indicated instrumentation in the solo part.

Gareth Vaughan

Bravo, Martin! These are encouraging news.

Mark Thomas

Off topic, but Thalbergmad needed to know how to make a link in a post clickable. To expand on Alan's explanation, I've added an illustrated tutorial to the Problems Section.


Very much obliged.

I am a bit of a computer noob.




This is with regards to the earlier discussion in here about possible fillers for the Pixis Grand concerto for RPC.

how about the Berwald concerto?


Quote from: FBerwald on Tuesday 10 November 2009, 18:09
This is with regards to the earlier discussion in here about possible fillers for the Pixis Grand concerto for RPC.

how about the Berwald concerto?
I already suggested that one, but from what I understand of the following discussions, it is probably regarded as too "modern" in this case. :-\


Perhaps a silly suggestion, but why not fill up a Pixis disk with some Pixis.

The scores with parts for Les Trois Colchettes Rondo Brilliant Op.120 and Fantaisie Militaire Op.121 are in the British Library.

Otherwise I would suggest Variations on a Haydn Theme Op.73 by Czerny, for no other reason than I rather like it.




Quote from: FBerwald on Wednesday 11 November 2009, 08:26
Berwald .. too modern???
Well, I guess everything depends on what you compare with... :) I believe Gareth is looking for a work from around 1830.


The concerto of Haydn Wilson dates from 1835 and therefore fits into the required timeframe. I expect the parts are hidden away in Cambridge University Library.

Unusually, it ends in a series of variations.
