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Russian/Soviet music catalogue

Started by Leea25, Monday 05 March 2012, 13:14

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Hi All,

I'm (relatively) new to the site and have been reading all your posts with great interest - what a wonderful site! Heartfelt thanks to all the people who take the time and trouble to upload music and contribute to the discussions! Marvelous!

I haven't updated my own website for two or three years, but at one point I did extensive work (inspired by Onno van Rijen's site) researching Russian and Soviet music. You can find the the results here:

It contains catalogues (some nearly complete, others just a handfull of works) for hundreds of Russian/Soviet composers (1200 springs to mind, but I forget the exact number). I rather foolishly didn't originally include stage works, so they are missing and it is peppered with contradictions I'm afraid (look at the Mosolov page and the mess his symphonies are in for example!), but it is there if anyone would like to look.

I won't be updating it for the forseeable further unfortunately (I still have many pages of notes to add sometime), as I'm engaged on another project. I have spent the last few years collecting together a database detailing some 16,500 works for string orchestra or small chamber orchestra, which I hope to publish on the web sometime - string orchestra music is my absolute passion (at the moment), you see!



At a very initial first glance this looks an extremely impressive and very valuable catalogue :) :)

Thanks for the link :)


Thanks Dundonnell! :)

It was a bit of an all-consuming passion at the time, but I got a bit 'bored' of it and left it as it is. I hope people find it interesting or useful and maybe one day I'll get back to it, and start adding the 1000s of theatre, opera and ballet scores I missed out first time round.

Oh, incidentally, incase anyone did wanted to contact me, the e-mail on the site doesn't work!
