John Joubert's new Cello Concerto

Started by Dylan, Sunday 04 March 2012, 13:13

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Tonight, R3, 6.30 pm! (You wouldn't know unless you looked closely!)

Hope someone can manage a high bitrate recording?


Thanks for the information! I remember reading about it being commissioned, for Rafael Wallfisch, I believe. Hopefully he will record it soon for CD, but it would be great to hear it sooner. Joubert is a bit of a living treasure


Quote from: Jimfin on Sunday 04 March 2012, 14:32
Thanks for the information! I remember reading about it being commissioned, for Rafael Wallfisch, I believe. Hopefully he will record it soon for CD, but it would be great to hear it sooner. Joubert is a bit of a living treasure

I wouldn't count on it :( He commissioned the Robert Simpson too. The work is dedicated to him, he gave the first performance 20 years ago. Has he recorded it?  The answer, sadly, is no.


Surely someone on the site can record it. Please!


Quote from: Tapiola on Sunday 04 March 2012, 16:02
Surely someone on the site can record it. Please!

I have it in good sound but the first 1/2 second is missing. Can someone else do better?

Greg K

Quote from: Dundonnell on Sunday 04 March 2012, 14:50
Quote from: Jimfin on Sunday 04 March 2012, 14:32
Thanks for the information! I remember reading about it being commissioned, for Rafael Wallfisch, I believe. Hopefully he will record it soon for CD, but it would be great to hear it sooner. Joubert is a bit of a living treasure

I wouldn't count on it :( He commissioned the Robert Simpson too. The work is dedicated to him, he gave the first performance 20 years ago. Has he recorded it?  The answer, sadly, is no.

The reason may be it's just not a very compelling work (Simpson's CC).  The premiere was sufficient given other more worthy recording projects subsequently fulfilled.


Yes, have to say that, whatever happened with the Simpson, Wallfisch is someone I will never criticise for his lack of commitment to British composers. If only there were a violinist similarly disposed.

Greg K

Quote from: Jimfin on Saturday 10 March 2012, 10:08
Yes, have to say that, whatever happened with the Simpson, Wallfisch is someone I will never criticise for his lack of commitment to British composers. If only there were a violinist similarly disposed.

Lydia Mordkovitch?  At least in regards to recordings she's made stellar contributions (Concertos
by Bax, Moeran, Bliss, Alwyn, Dyson, Veale, = possibly others I'm forgetting).


Quote from: Greg K on Saturday 10 March 2012, 05:47
Quote from: Dundonnell on Sunday 04 March 2012, 14:50
Quote from: Jimfin on Sunday 04 March 2012, 14:32
Thanks for the information! I remember reading about it being commissioned, for Rafael Wallfisch, I believe. Hopefully he will record it soon for CD, but it would be great to hear it sooner. Joubert is a bit of a living treasure

I wouldn't count on it :( He commissioned the Robert Simpson too. The work is dedicated to him, he gave the first performance 20 years ago. Has he recorded it?  The answer, sadly, is no.

The reason may be it's just not a very compelling work (Simpson's CC).  The premiere was sufficient given other more worthy recording projects subsequently fulfilled.

I find your comment on the Simpson Cello Concerto unfortunate :(

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion of the work's merits but that opinion must not go unchallenged.

I am not alone in finding the Simpson an impressive work which, like all Simpson, repays careful study and impresses the more that I listen to it. The cello was Simpson's favourite instrument and the commission from Wallfisch was welcomed by him.

I quote from the Tempo review of the premiere written by Guy Rickards(September 1992):

"British music is not short of fine works for the instrument after the Elgar, works by Brian, Britten, Finzi, Moeran and Bernard Stevens have all enjoyed recent advocacy and Simpson's single-movement variation-form design is fully worthy of comparison with these predecessors. There are few obvious pyrotechnics but much that is demanding, the work impressing rather by its seriousness of purpose and lucidity of scoring; Simpson's intention was to allow the cello to sing, and in this he has succeeded. After a vigorous opening, the work gradually relaxes to end not so much mysteriously as in the contemplation of mystery, as if the composer has finally reconciled himself to never unlocking the secrets of the firmament."

In recent years we have had new recordings of the cello concertos by Malcolm Arnold, Havergal Brian, Alan Rawsthorne, Cyril Scott and Donald Tovey, with the John Foulds, Lionel Sainsbury and Patric Standford to come. To suggest that the Simpson is palpably inferior to all of those is a judgment to which I could not possibly subscribe. The Arnold, for example, is a much lesser work in my opinion.

To argue that the premiere of the work "will suffice", given the fact that there is no commercial recording, is equally unacceptable in my judgment.
I entirely agree that Wallfisch has and is doing fantastic work on behalf of British composers for the cello and if my previous posts implied criticism of him personally then I hasten to apologise for such an inference being drawn.

I think that I may attempt to contact Wallfisch directly and enquire of him whether the Simpson is a work which he would be keen to record :)

Greg K

Well, by now you know my antipathy towards Simpson's output (my "favorite" work being the 1rst Symphony, before he became the full-blown Simpson :D), - just as I know your fervent advocacy.

I wouldn't be AGAINST a commercial recording of the Cello Concerto, though if asked by Dutton to
decide the coupling for their impending release as between Simpson & Sainsbury I would have chosen as they did :P.

I did provide the archived recording of the premiere here, so am even favorable to the work being heard :), - indifferent as I am to it myself.

Wallfisch may long have desired to follow up his initial presentation with a commercial effort, but the weak sales of Hyperion's voluminous Simpson series (invaluable as it is to collectors) might likely raise doubts for potential issuers concerning marketability :-[.


I did not know that you had provided the archived recording of the Simpson premiere since it is not attributed in the BM Catalogue.  In which case, I, at least  ;D owe you a very considerable debt. The fact that you made it available whilst being indifferent to it is a great credit to you. :)

I have actually emailed Wallfisch about any possible future recording :)

With regards to marketability...I would have been tempted to agree with you before I discovered only yesterday that the British Music Society is issuing a cd coupling of Patric Standford's Symphony no.1 coupled with his cello concerto(played by Wallfisch). Marketability?? Standford??

Greg K

Quote from: Dundonnell on Saturday 10 March 2012, 16:27

With regards to marketability...I would have been tempted to agree with you before I discovered only yesterday that the British Music Society is issuing a cd coupling of Patric Standford's Symphony no.1 coupled with his cello concerto(played by Wallfisch). Marketability?? Standford??

All indications from my reading about Standford are that not only does his music possess structural integrity, but (unlike Simpson's) is lyrically memorable besides.

I'll buy it! ;D


Quote from: Greg K on Saturday 10 March 2012, 16:52
Quote from: Dundonnell on Saturday 10 March 2012, 16:27

With regards to marketability...I would have been tempted to agree with you before I discovered only yesterday that the British Music Society is issuing a cd coupling of Patric Standford's Symphony no.1 coupled with his cello concerto(played by Wallfisch). Marketability?? Standford??

All indications from my reading about Standford are that not only does his music possess structural integrity, but (unlike Simpson's) is lyrically memorable besides.

I'll buy it! ;D

Well...that will make two purchasers ;D

As for Standford's "lyrical memorability" ???  We shall see :)

Greg K

Quote from: Dundonnell on Saturday 10 March 2012, 16:27
I discovered only yesterday that the British Music Society is issuing a cd coupling of Patric Standford's Symphony no.1 coupled with his cello concerto(played by Wallfisch).

BTW, BMS has "gone orchestral" now?  That's a first, I believe.


Indeed :)

The first of many I really hope ;D