Meyer-Olbersleben, Max (1850-1927)

Started by Reverie, Wednesday 07 April 2021, 22:29

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Meyer-Olbersleben studied with Carl Müllerhartung and Franz Liszt at the Weimar Orchestra School, and with Josef Rheinberger, Franz Wüllner, and Peter Cornelius at the Munich Conservatory. After graduation, he became Professor of piano and theory in Weimar. Later, he was Professor of counterpoint and composition at the Bavarian State Conservatory of Music in Würzburg, and became its director from 1907 to 1920.

Meyer-Olberleben became known primarily as a composer of songs and choral works. However he wrote a concerto for viola, two overtures and a tone poem entitled Sonnenhymnus. A piano trio in E major is a beautifully crafted work. An opera, Clare Dettin (in 3 acts) was completed in 1894.

The Fest-Ouverture Op.30 (1888) demonstrates Max's strength in melodic composition and associated counterpoint along with a confident grasp of orchestral balance.

It's a late romantic work, obviously conservative for its time but nevertheless an enjoyable 8 minutes of indulgent schmaltz. Drink it in. I love it!

Fest-Ouverture (1888)

Mark Thomas

I'm getting "Video unavailable - This video is private".


Anyone else getting "Video unavailable.  This video is private." ?


(oops, you beat me to it by a couple of minutes, Mark)   :o


Alan Howe

Alan Howe

A most exciting, memorable and worthwhile discovery. Thanks once again!




According to IMSLP, he wrote a sonata for viola alta (available there...), another work to add to that instrument's repertoire. (I adore the 2 Draeseke wrote, even though the recording I have plays them on viola... I have heard the broadcast of no.2 on viola alta, though.)