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Italo Montemezzi (1875 - 1952)

Started by Gerhard Griesel, Thursday 15 March 2012, 16:46

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Alan Howe

Well, I'll listen on, but I simply report what I hear - a vocally strenuous, orchestrally gorgeous, melodically unmemorable opera. Which has been my objection to much of the forgotten operatic repertoire of this period.


Trapnel- thanks. That was the name.


Alan, do you know L'incantesimo?  If so, what do you think of it?


Alan Howe

Sounds as though that should be my next port of call. However, is there anything more than a historic recording to judge it by?


I have the more recent Teatro Grattacielo recording, but frankly, I prefer the one conducted by the composer.  The sound is pretty good for 1943, and the singers were top notch.

Alan Howe

Any idea where I can get hold of the '43 recording?

Alan Howe

Re-listening to La nave confirms how different it is from L'Amore. It is certainly very Straussian while remaining resolutely Italian in character and the orchestration is quite gorgeous. The vocal writing is extremely strenuous, particularly for the poor tenor, and the choral contribution is also significant. I enjoyed it much more this time round while longing for more repose - and some more memorable melodic writing. Still, a considerable achievement.