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Libraries of the World

Started by thalbergmad, Thursday 03 December 2009, 22:51

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An off topic discussion was beginning to develop on another thread, so I thought it would be a good idea to start afresh and share experiences. Here are my opinions on Libraries and their services:

British Library - expensive, but their holdings are huge. Best left for scores between 50 & 100 pages as the minimum charge is £27. They once sent me page 37 only of a Field Concerto as opposed to all 37 pages, but they did send me the rest. This is the only problem i have had in 125 orders. Online ordering system is excellent.

Cambridge University Library - Applications are made via downloading and completing their document supply form. Service is cheap and quick, although the girl who does the copying often copies her fingernails as well. Holdings are impressive.

Oxford University Library - Pretty much the same as the above. Very quick and good value. You can make payment by credit card and stipulate a maximum charge.

University of London - Very impressed with these people. Holdings are impressive and i have had no problems. The George Collection boxes are a concerto lovers dream.

Royal Academy of Music - More expensive nowadays as they charge V A T. A quote is supplied, so you know what you are letting yourself in for. Very slow, but i think there is only one man doing the copying. His name is Andrew Morris and he is most helpful.

Royal College of Music - I cannot remember how much they charged me, but they allowed me a copy of the Parry Concerto which was well done. Do not appear on Copac

Glasgow University Library - Probably my favourite Library. Quick and cheap and the copies they provide are excellent. Special Collections are very interesting. Application via downloadable pdf.

Edinburgh University Library - They don't usually deal with the public, but they provided me with a nice pile of Stradal for a giveaway price.

Liverpool Library - Pretty much the same as above. Suggested I use interloan service in the future.

St Andrews Library - The most helpful librarian in the Universe.

Belfast Library - Refused to charge me for a Hamilton Harty manuscript. I sent a cheque that was never cashed.

To be continued with Libraries of Europe and America.

Would be interested to hear from other members.



I've ordered from the Library of Congress. It wasn't cheap, but it was relatively fast and the large format was great for piano 4-hands (Raff's Lenore).

My favorite library isn't as large as some, but it will be, and it's open 24/7, free and easy to use: International Music Score Library Project.


The Swedish National Library is slow largely because of distance, but they are usually very cooperative. I once tried to get an opera manuscript copy from them, but I didn't get it because my university library decided that it cost too much and I'm too cheap to pay for it myself. When I have gotten stuff, they have sent very nice scans on PDFs on CD.


Quote from: mbhaub on Friday 04 December 2009, 01:06
I've ordered from the Library of Congress. It wasn't cheap, but it was relatively fast and the large format was great for piano 4-hands (Raff's Lenore).

I have never actually used them before, is there an online application form one needs to complete?



Gareth Vaughan

I agree with thalbergmad about the other UK libraries. It's just the BL that are so expensive.
My one experience with the Library of Congress was about 15 years ago and was not good. I asked for a Schutt score and was told I would have to pay a non-refundable sum of money in advance just for a librarian to go and find the score and decide whether it was in a robust enough condition to be photocopied. If the librarian decided it couldn't be copied that was it - and I would have lost my money. Although the sum involved was not great I was so disgusted with the attitude of the person I spoke to, which was unhelpful in the extreme, that I have never bothered with them since. However, things may have changed since then - I hope they have.


Oh dear, that does not sound promising.

Another library with a superb service is the Nederlands Muziek Instuut. They provide high quality pdf's via e mail, which is ideal for me here in England as I don't get hit with a high postage charge.

Similarly, the New York Public Library which i have used dozens of times, provides a download link. The NY Express system is superb.

The best, must be Sibley and Danish National Library who provide scans for nothing, which i wish more libraries would do.



Forgot to mention the BNP (Portugal National Library). You will probably die of old age before you get what you want.

Took 6 months to get a copy of the Da Motta Concerto and the first time they did it, they tried to copy an A3 score onto A4 paper and missed half of the notes.


Gareth Vaughan

Yes, I forgot about the exemplary service offered by Sibley and the NYPL. That's how things should be done. British Library, take note!!!


Quote from: thalbergmad on Friday 04 December 2009, 08:20
Quote from: mbhaub on Friday 04 December 2009, 01:06
I've ordered from the Library of Congress. It wasn't cheap, but it was relatively fast and the large format was great for piano 4-hands (Raff's Lenore).

I have never actually used them before, is there an online application form one needs to complete?



I don't know. I ordered the Raff long before the World Wide Web came about. I know I looked up the Raff in a libary book listing the LoC contents, and then I can't remember what I did.


I have to second the IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library
( as one of the best score libraries that I have ever used. It is chock full of  Scores by unsung composers, including a gold mine of scores by Raff, Holbrooke, Boehe(all the full scores for the compositions on the 2 cpo albums), Gade(including manuscript copies of scores!).

Check it out!