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Saint-Saëns Etienne Marcel

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 18 July 2015, 23:17

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Alan Howe

I was wondering whether anyone had taken a punt on this recording:
Comments on both the opera and the performance would be most welcome...


Yes, this is another opera by Saint-Saens that needs a first rate recording. While there are some "libretto" problems, the ending seems a little anti climactic, the music is vivid and very powerful- great crowd scenes, and colorful, melodic music throughout. The cast is good- Alain Fondary (who is also Henry VIII in the outstanding performance from the same source) is strong, Michele Legrand who sings Beatrix (superb) and very good mezzo (the Dauphin, a trouser role) and the tenor - capable but perhaps not well recorded (voice tends to blast). Not conventionally set up with many arias, however, but perhaps more realistic because of that. There is a fine aria for Beatrix followed by a radiant love duet that concludes the act. Wonderful music! Henry VIII has the better libretto by far and thus is a more complete experience, but Etienne Marcel is very enjoyable- the conductor keeps things moving - an exciting work. Chorus and orchestra are very good- everyone seems to be fired up! Highly recommended.

Now, if we could get a recording (even a pirate) of Ascanio !! I am sure there is much more to discover.

Alan Howe

Thanks very much indeed for that detailed and enticing assessment.

Alan Howe