Boëllmann Chamber music from MDG

Started by Mark Thomas, Thursday 07 June 2012, 07:57

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Mark Thomas

Available next week from MDG is a CD with major chamber works by Leon Boëllmann: the Piano Quartet and Piano Trio, together with some smaller pieces. The performers are the Trio Parnassus and Gerard Caissé, piano. The two major works were available years ago on a Marco Polo disc and are still downloadable but it's good to have a modern recording. Full details (but no audio samples yet) at jpc here.

The Trio Parnassus are a distinguished group with a rich portfolio of recordings behind them. But the new does not necessarily vanquish the old, for that 'old' Marco Polo recording which sits on my shelves is, in my view, really rather good.

Mark Thomas

Granted, Peter. But I don't think that the physical CD is available any more and so the new MDG one can only be welcomed.