Jan Levoslav Bella (1843-1936)

Started by Balapoel, Monday 23 April 2012, 04:37

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Jan Levoslav Bella (aka Johann Leopold Bella)

Recorded works in Blue

Chamber Works

   Serenade, vc, pf, 1879 (4')
   Elegy, vn, vc, pf, 1870 (5')

   Pf Trio, 1870, frag.
   String Quartet No. 1 in g minor (24')
   Vianočná sonáta [Christmas Sonata], F, str qt, 1866, lost
   String Quartet No. 2 in e minor 'Hungarian' (27')
25   String Quartet No. 3 in c minor (25')
   String Quartet No. 4 in Bb (16')
   Nocturne, str qt, 1930 (9')
   String Quintet in d minor (27')
   Sonata No. 1 in G for 3 violins in first position (14')
   Sonata No. 2 in Eb for 3 violins in first position (18')

   Ave rex noster, S, violin, harmonium
   Dumky for violin and piano (24')
   Pieseň bez slov [Song without Words], vn, pf, 1874 (3')

   Rêveries, vn, pf, 1875 [2nd version of Dumky]
   V cudzine [Abroad], vn, pf, 1923 [3rd version of Dumky] (17')
   Violin Sonatina in G


   Jaroslav a Laura, dramatic poem for tenor and orchestra (incomplete)
   Wieland der Schmied ("Wieland the Blacksmith") (Kovac Wieland)


   Concert ov., Eb, 1872–3
   Overture to the operetta Hermina im Venusberg, 1886 (7'30")
   Siebenbürgen Land des Segens!, concert ov. on folksongs of Transylvania and Saxony, 1904
   Osud a ideál (Sort et ideál) [Fate and Ideal], sym. poem, 1874, rev. 1880 (23')
   Symphony in c minor (fragment)
   Symphony in b minor (30')
   Fantasy on Motives of the Rákoczy March for orchestra
   Rondo, (4 vn, va, vc, db)/(str orch), after 1881
   Concert piece in Hungarian Style, 1893
   Posviacka zástavy [Consecration of the Flag], march, ? after 1900


   3 other pieces, after 1881
   Fantázia–Sonáta, d, c 1881–90
   Gottvertrauen, chorale trilogy, 1916
   Choral Trilogy ,,Gottvertrauen" for organ
   Fantasy on the chorale Christus, der ist mein Leben, 1918
   Fantasia on the Choral "Christus, der ist mein Leben" for organ
   3 Stucke for organ
   Lied ohne Worte (Song without Words) for harmonium
   Am Heldenfriedhof, fantasia for organ


   Puppenfest, waltzes, 4 hands, 1927
   Doll's Holiday, waltz for piano duet
   Sonatina in e minor
   Piano Sonata in bb minor
   Piano Sonata in c minor (2 movements of sonata)
9   Variations on Slovak folksongs: Pri Prešporku [In Pressburg], 1866
21   Variations on Slovak folksongs:  Letí, letí roj [The Swarm is Flying], 1869

   Svätomartinská kadrila [Quadrille of St Martin], 1862
   St. Martin's Quadrille
   Kleine Stucke, 1866-9; Little Pieces (4) for piano
   Dance of Nymphes


3   Staroslovenský Otče náš [Early Slovak Lord's Prayer], SATB, op.3, 1863
   Benedicta et venerabilis, 1 v, 2 fl, ob, 2 cl, 2 hn, bn
   Pange lingua, 1 v, org
   Te Deum, TTBB
8   Haec dies, offertorium solemne pro Paschate, TTBB, op. 8
20   Tu es Petrus, motet for double male choir
   Alleluia, Emitte Spiritum, SATB, SATB
   Cum audisse populus, SAB
   Christus factus est, SATTB
   Ave Maria, S, T, organ
   O komm, mein Heiland, SATB, brass insts;
   Verzage nicht, du Häuflein klein, SATB, 2 tpt, 2 hn, 3 trbn, tuba
   Adoramus for male choir
   Missa in Bb, TTBB
6   Missa in Eb, TTBB
   Missa brevis in Eb for voice and organ
   Sonntags-Messe no. 6, C, SATB, orchestra
   Messe in b minor, solo vv, SATB, orch, organ
   Missa pro die Dominica, Eb, SATB, Orchestra
   Missa brevis in G, TTBB
   Missa S Mariae in A, SATB, orch
   Omsa (Mass), SATB
   Requiem, SAT, orchestra
   Labori in gemitu meo for soprano and strings
   Mein Friedhof, version for soprano and orchestra
   Heil'ge Nacht for bass and orchestra
   Asperges me for mixed choir and orchestra
   Ach bis zum Tod (Passionkantate), B, SATB, orch;
   Christus hat geliebt die Gemeine (Osterkantate), B, SATB, orch;
   Ehre sei Gott!, S, SATB, orch;
   Es täumelten (Reformationskantate), solo vv, SATB, orch;
   Gott, sei mir gnädig (Reformationskantate), solo vv, SATB, orch;
   Gott höre mein Gebet, for soprano and orchestra
   Lobe den Herrn! (Geistlicher Festgesang), SATB, str orch;
   Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, S, B, SATB, orch, org;
   Wende dich zu uns! (Kirchenkantate), solo vv, SATB, orch;
   Wie lieblich ist deine Wohnung, motet, solo vv, SATB, orch;
   Auditor meus for soprano and orchestra
   Ave Maria for mixed choir and orchestra
   Ave Maria for soprano, clarinet, and strings
   Diffusa est for soprano and strings
   Domine exaudi for soprano, alto, and orchestra
   Ecce panis for bass and strings
   Hodie Christus natus est for soprano and orchestra
   In Deo speravit for soprano and orchestra
   In te speravi for soprano and orchestra
   Litaniae de Smo Nne Jesu for mixed choir and orchestra
   Protector noster for mixed choir and orchestra
   O salutaris hostia for alto and orchestra
   Offertorium Ave verum for soprano, flute, strings, and organ
   Pange lingua for mixed choir and orchestra
   Rorate coeli for soprano and orchestra
   Tantum ergo for soprano, tenor, 2 basses and orchestra
   Te Deum for mixed choir and orchestra
   Veni sancte for mixed choir and strings
   Terra tremuit for soprano and strings
   Verbum caro for soprano and strings


   Búcsúhangok, 1863
   Ohlas [Echo] (A. Sládkovič), 1864, rev. 1928
   Slovenské štvorspevy [4-part Slovak songs], bks 1–2, 1863–5
   Trauerlied, 1873
   9 other works, Ger. text, after 1881
   Zum Jubiläum, after 1881
   Frühlingsmotette, 1882
   Schönes Waldland, march, TTBB, 2 tpt, 3 hn, euphonium, 3 trbn, tuba, 1884
   Die Ergebung der Witwe (Crassus), c1900
   Hausbrauch (Crassus), c1900
   Kuno's Ritt (Crassus), c1900
   Parallele, c1900
   Trost im Leid (Crassus), c1900
   Wunsch und Erfüllung (Crassus), c1900
   3 ernste Gesänge (E. Grün, O. Schlemm, F.S. Höchsmann), before 1901
   4 heitere Gesänge (Offenbarung) (Crassus), before 1901
   Gelübde (R. Lederhilger), 1917
   4 slovenské národné piesne [Slovak Folksongs], solo vv, SATB, c1918
   9 slovenských národných piesní, c1918
   Ako je to? [What is this about?] (P. Bella–Horal), 1924
   Matke Sláve [To Mother Glory] (I. Žiak [Somolický]), 1924
   Prvé Vianoce [1st Christmas], SSAATTBB, 1924
   Vianoce [Christmas] (P. Bella-Horal), 1924
   Vianočná [Christmas Song] (S. Krčmery), 1924
   4 other works, Slav text, 1920s
   Zbor k inštalácii rektora [Chorus for the Inauguration of the Rector], 1925
   Moyses-Kuzmány, 1927
   Heslo Západoslovenskej speváckej župy [Motto of the West Slovakian Choral Province], 1928
   Orol vták [The Eagle] (J. Kráǐ), SSTTBB
   Z 'Cigánskych melódií' [From 'Gypsy Melodies'], SSSS
   2 písně: Dobrou noc [Good Night], Pěvcům [To Singers] (E. Krásnohorská), 1874, rev. 1923
2   3 Lieder: Siehst du am Weg (A. Träger), Der Herzallerliebsten (H. Heine), Was du mir bist (J. Grasberger), op.2, 1874
   Mag da draussen Schnee sich türmen (Heine), 1874
   Ich habe, dich geliebet (Heine), 1877
   Was du mir bist (Du bist die Sonne) (Hoffmann von Fallersleben), 1877
5   4 Lieder: Erste Liebe (J. Grosse), Allein mit dir (H. Krebs), Ich liebe was fein ist (J.N. Enders), Sehnsucht (Enders), op.5, 1880
   Frauen liebe (L. von Ploennies), 1880
12   3 Lieder
7   Saul and David, for bass and organ
   Juhász legény (S. Petőfi), S, pf, 1905
   Románc (G. Lauka), S, pf, 1905
   Boli by sme popadali [We would have fallen] (P. Bella-Horal), 1924
   Matka nad kolískou [Mother over the Cradle] (Bella-Horal), 3 songs, S, pf, 1924
   Sedem dní [Seven Days] (J. Jesenský), 1924
   Gajdoš Filúš [Filúš the Fiddler] (Lǔdmila Podjavorinská), T, pf, 1927
   Iskierky [Sparks], 1927
   Naše vrátka [Our Garden Gate] (Bella-Horal), S, pf, 1927
   V našom sade [In our Orchard] (Bella-Horal), S, pf, 1927
   c. 18 other songs
   Hymne an die Musik, SATB, orch, 1886
   Apotheose (M. Guist), solo vv, TTBB, SATB, orch, 1883–90
   An den Frühling (F. von Schiller), SATB, orch, 1905
   Ballade (aus den Lustigen Weibern) (H. Herne), A, orch, 1905
   Credo (J. Martinec), B, orch, 1927
   Svadba Jánošíka [Jánošík's Wedding] (cant., J. Botto), solo vv, SATB, orch, 1927
   Divný zbojník [Strange Brigand] (O. Bella), solo vv, SSAA, TTBB, SATB, orch, 1933
   Československa štátna hymna [Czechoslovak national anthem], arr., 1934

Unknown Opp: 1, 4, 10011, 13-19, 22-24


Several more "blue" entries from Lps:

Festive Concert Overture in Eb of 1872
Organ Music:  Fantasy Sonata in d


Andante Sostenuto from the Bb String Quartet orchestrated.

The latter is on the same Lp as the other two so I assume was done by the composer but am not at home (again) to check out the Lp.  Sorry about that.



Quote from: jerfilm on Monday 23 April 2012, 14:15
Several more "blue" entries from Lps:

Festive Concert Overture in Eb of 1872
Organ Music:  Fantasy Sonata in d


Andante Sostenuto from the Bb String Quartet orchestrated.

The latter is on the same Lp as the other two so I assume was done by the composer but am not at home (again) to check out the Lp.  Sorry about that.


Got the two new ones added (in blue). Until we know if the Andante sostenuto was orchestrated by Bella himself, I'll keep it off - but thanks for the info.


Interesting-sounding Opus 2-LP set (of recordings made 1981-82), also had recordings of Fate and the Ideal and of the quartets in E minor and C minor... nice to have a CD version.