Julius Röntgen(1855-1932): a Catalogue of the Orchestral Music

Started by Dundonnell, Sunday 10 June 2012, 00:57

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I fully realise that I am stepping into a minefield....so please don't be too critical ;D There are members here who know far more about the subject than I :)


1872:   Symphony No.1 in G major  (lost)
1873:   Piano Concerto No.1 in G minor (withdrawn)
1874-75:Symphony No.2 in A major   (lost)
1879:   Piano Concerto No.2 in D major, op.18: 32 minutes     + (cpo cd)
1885:   "Bittgesang" for baritone, chorus and orchestra
1887:   Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor
1888:   "Gebet" for chorus and orchestra, op. 27
1889:   "Drie Amoureuse Liedekens" for small orchestra, op.29
1891:   "Klange aus dem Orient" for soprano, contralto, tenor, bass, chorus and orchestra
1892:   Suite "An Jotunheim" for orchestra: 25 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
             Suite for Violin and String Orchestra in D minor
1893:   Ballade on a Norwegian Folk Song for orchestra, op.36: 16 minutes   +  (cpo cd)
             "Die Wallfahrt nach Kevlaar" for soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto or tenor and orchestra
1893-94:Cello Concerto No.1 in E minor: 29 minutes    +  (Etcetera cd)
1895:   "Gedicht aus 'den stimmen der Volker'" for baritone and orchestra
1902:   Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor: 34 minutes    + (cpo cd)
             Serenade in E for orchestra
             "Eeen liedje van de zee" for orchestra, op.45: 12 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
1904:   Six Old Netherlandish dances for orchestra, op.46: 9 minutes   +  (cpo cd)
1906:   Piano Concerto No.4 in F major: 26 minutes   + (cpo cd)
1907:   Suite "Old Netherlands" for orchestra: 18 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
             Songs for high voice and string orchestra
1909:   Cello Concerto No.2 in G minor: 18 minutes    *   +   (Etcetera cd)
1910:   Symphony No.3 in C minor: 32 minutes    + (cpo and Cobra cds)
1911:   Suite No.1 of Peasant Songs for orchestra
             Suite No.2 of Peasant Songs for orchestra
1912:   "Shule Aroon en Bean Mhic A'Mhaoir"(Irish Folk Melody) for Cello and Orchestra
1916:   "Gesang des Lebens" for chorus and orchestra
1918:   Ballad for Violin and Orchestra: 15 minutes    + (cpo cd)
             "Boertige Suite" for orchestra
1918/19:Three Preludes and Fugues on GHGBF for orchestra: 18 minutes   + (cpo cd)
1919:   Overture for an Old Dutch Comedy
1921:   Overture "Taufers"
1922:   Symphonietta humoristica (Symphony No.4): 17 minutes   + (cpo cd)
             Triple Concerto for Violin, Viola, Cello and String Orchestra in B flat major
1926:   Symphony No.5 "Der Schnitter Tod" in A minor for chorus and orchestra : 28 minutes  + (cpo cd)
             Violin Concerto No.2 in D major
             "Hollandsche Suite" for double string orchestra
1927:   Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra: 24 minutes
1928:   Symphony No.6 "Rijck God, wie sal ic claghen" in C minor for chorus and orchestra: 16 minutes   +   (cpo cd)
             Cello Concerto No.3 in F sharp minor: 16 minutes     + (Etcetera cd)
             Fantasy on an Irish Folk Song for Cello and Orchestra
             "Die Sonne sinkt" for bass and orchestra
1929:   Piano Concerto No.5 in E major
             Piano Concerto No.6 in E minor: 15 minutes    *
             "Uit Neerlands Volksleven" for orchestra
             "Trilogie" for chorus and orchestra
             "Der Zug des Todes" for chorus and orchestra
1930:   Symphony No.7 "Edinburgh" in F minor(March)
             Symphony No.8 "Gjendines Koelok" in C sharp minor for soprano and orchestra(May): 18 minutes    *    +  (NM Classics and cpo cds)
             Symphony No.9 "De Bitonale"(September):  15 minutes    +  (Cobra cd)
             Symphony No.10a in D "Walzersymphonie"(September): 9 minutes   + (cpo cd)
             Symphony No.10b "Spielt auf!" (revision of No.10a)
             Symphony No.11 "Wirbelsymphony" in G minor(September)
             Symphony No.12 "In Babylone" in C major(October)
             Symphony No.13 "Alle eendjes zwemmen in het water" in A minor(October)
             Symphony No.14 "Winterthur" in D major(December)
             Piano Concerto No.7 in C major: 16 minutes    *
             Concerto for Two Violins, Viola, Cello and Orchestra: 14 minutes
             Introduction, Fugue, Intermezzo and Finale for Violin, Viola, Cello and Orchestra
1931:   Violin Concerto No.3 in F sharp minor: 23 minutes     +  (cpo cd)
             Symphony No.15 in F sharp minor(February): 25 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
            "Aus Goethes Wilhelm Meister" for chorus and orchestra
              Symphony No.16 "Storm/Tempest Symphony"(April)
              Symphony No.17 "Wilhelm Meister Symphony"(May)
             Symphony No.18 in A major(May): 23 minutes    + (cpo cd)
             "Aus Goethe's Faust" for soprano, two tenors, two baritones, bass, organ and orchestra(June): 60 minutes     + (cpo cd)
             Symphony No.19 "Symphony on B.A.C.H." in C minor(September): 16 minutes   + (cpo cd)
             Symphony No.20 "Prooemion" for men's chorus and orchestra (September)
             Symphony No.21 in A minor(September)     + (Cobra cd)
             Symphony No.22 in F sharp minor (October)
            "Sulamith" for soprano, tenor, women's chorus and orchestra
1932:   Symphony No.23 in C minor
             Symphony No.24 in E major
             Variations on a Norwegian Folk Melody for orchestra: 25 minutes   +  (cpo cd)


"Sturmesmythe" for chorus and orchestra





Two Dutch Dances from opera 46 (n.5 Bergerette; n.6 Pavane) exist on Teldec 243 723-2 (a Cd quoted elsewhere): Willem Mengelberg and RCO, november 1940 recording.


Again, these historical performances by Mengelberg of two of the 'Dutch dances' (the only Röntgen we ever heard until ten years ago :D) are found on both the Teldec and Audiophile Classics cds.

There are two more cds with orchestral compositions by Röntgen:

Cobra Records (0017) has the Noord Nederlands Orkest [North Netherlands Orchestra] under Hans Leenders performing three symphonies: Nos. 3, 9, and 21.

Centrum Nederlandse Muziek [Dutch Music Centre, later this became the NM Classics label] CNM 95001 has a live performance of the Utrecht Student Concert under Bruno de Greeve from 1995 (I was there, it was the first time I heard a Röntgen symphony and it proved a positive surprise; no wonder, it's one of his best  ;)) in Symphony no. 8 "Herrn Generalmusikdirektor Carl Schuricht zugeeignet" [Dedicated to Music Director C.S.]. I had no idea what the strange title "Gjendines Koelok" could mean; apparently it stands for "Gjendine's lure of cows", Gjendine being a Norwegian woman he had met in 1891 and who's natural beauty and the songs she had composed impressed him enough to explain the soprano solo (vocalise) in the last part of the symphony.

The same symphony (No. 8 in C sharp minor) is found on NM Classics (92096), by the Netherlands RSO under Jac van Steen - but that's probably the cd mentioned in the list, as of course is the CPO with conductor David Porcelijn, from the CPO series.