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Started by MikeW, Thursday 03 May 2012, 17:08

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I'm sure I'm not alone in finding Supraphon's web-site rather a mess, with possibly the most useless search facility ever offered. I've sent them feedback time to time, but I'm not sure they really "get it".

Usually I'm looking for new or re-issued recordings of various Czech and Eastern European composers, and I generally rely on doing a Google site search rather than using the site's own facility. Today while trying a few keywords I hit a spreadsheet with a listing of their 2011 digital releases, most of which are nowhere to be found on their own site with its "comprehensive database". The most recent public catalogue I think is from 2010.

The sheet link is: (it's quite safe).

Of further interest was the discovery that many of the releases are only available on the iTunes USA store, so unavailable to most of the world.