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Raff piano music vol.2

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 01 May 2012, 15:09

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Mark Thomas

Vol.2 or not Vol.2, that is the question...


(Nein, W.) *checks to see if there's a thread about the Weinberg vol.2 disc, as the disc contains a favorite work- sonata 4 - and a comparison between the version there and the 2 others (that I know of...) (Gilels, MacLachlan) would be interesting*


Amazon US says the release date isn't until the end of the month...

(I for one have way too much to listen to to be in a hurry to get it anyway, what with just getting the Glazunov/Serebrier box and Liadov complete piano music among other things)

Mark Thomas

Tra plays the Berceuse from the op.196 pieces on a promotional YouTube video here.


I bought my copy from jpc and as I expected, this Vol. 2 gave me a wonderful listening experience just like Vol. 1. I was already familiar with the gorgeous Fantasie-Sonate op. 168, but was most pleasantly surprised by the Variations on an Original Theme, op. 179. What a creative genius at the piano Raff was! The four Piano Pieces, op. 196, especially the Berceuse and the Impromptu, are just delightful.
We can only hope more of Raff's solo piano music will be released in the near future. Raff deserves it 130 years after his death, and all suckers of original, romantic piano music will love it. I have the idea that Raff's solo piano music is a truly hidden treasure.
Beautifully played by Tra Nguyen, interesting booklet notes by Mark, in short, it's a state-of-the-art CD. Very warmly recommended!

Mark Thomas

Thanks, Peter. Much appreciated. The third and final volume (the contents of which I posted earlier) will presumably be brought forward too, so I imagine that we'll have it by the end of the year.


Having listened to this twice in the last 2 days, I wholeheartedly agree with everything Peter1953 said.  A superb disc all round!

Mark Thomas

I haven't seen it myself, but apparently vol.1 received a less than positive review in the BBC Music Magazine. Heigh Ho.

Alan Howe

I must apologise for not having posted about this super CD before now. For me its most noticeable aspect on first hearing is the total identification of pianist Tra Nguyen with Raff's very personal idiom, which is a careful balancing of the classical with the Romantic. Thus, although the Fantasie-Sonate Op.168 is through-composed, this is no Lisztian barnstormer of a piece (although it certainly has its grander moments); rather, much delicacy is required if, for example, the delicious traceries of the slow movement are not to be overloaded - something which is achieved with near perfection here. It is almost as if she plays with breath held over the entire span of this mesmerising music. Wonderful. Excellent sound and Mark T's perceptive and full booklet notes contribute to a release of major importance.

Mark Thomas

Thanks Alan. Vol. 1 has had an extremely positive review from the American Record Guide, too.

Alan Howe

A very encouraging review of vol.1 - thanks!

Gareth Vaughan

I really must say how impressive Vols. 1 & 2 are. Tra seems to have got right inside Raff and delivers very fine performances indeed. I intend to listen very carefully to the way she plays the Fantaisie-Sonate, comparing it with Valentina Seferinova's performance, which I have always considered excellent. This is a work which is worthy of more than one interpretation, however. I hope to post at greater length later, suffice it to say we have to thank Mark profusely for allowing us to hear some very significant piano music indeed.

Mark Thomas

I've just been notified the vol.3 wil be available in November.

Mark Thomas

A perceptive and gratifyingly positive review at MusicWeb International.