Cartellieri Symphonies from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 04 October 2012, 21:13

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Alan Howe

Allow me to give a hearty recommendation to this new CD of the four symphonies by Antonio Cartellieri (1772-1807):
Of particular interest are symphonies 3 and 4, which, although basically late-classical (Haydn) in conception, contain a number of pointers to later symphonic developments. Anyone who likes the symphonies of, say, Clementi or Cherubini, is going to love these! Wonderful, meaty performances too!



I actually have this in the mail. I really enjoy his various clarinet concertos and quintets, and the samples sounded great.


I just bought this, based on this post here.  I have about 4 or 5 discs of Cartellieri's music, and have enjoyed all of it, but I didn't even know that this was being released!  Thanks for the notice!  I haven't listened yet, but I do have a question.

Does anyone know which year in which each of these symphonies was composed?  I bought it from Amazon download, so I don't have liner notes.  I can't seem to find this information online, and I like putting the year of composition (when known) into the tag in each mp3 I have.

And I didn't buy the actual CD because I have way, way too many physical CDs now, and I'm slowly trying to rip them all to digital and put them into long-term storage to save space.

Alan Howe

The sleevenote doesn't even reveal which keys the symphonies are in, let alone their dates of composition. If someone could enlighten me, I'd be very grateful too!


The mp3 files are listed like so:

Symphony #1 in C minor
Symphony #2 in E-Flat
Symphony #3 in C
Symphony #4 with no key given

Also, the first movement of the Symphony #4 is just indicated as "Adagio", but it gets really fast!  What is the actual tempo indication after the slow intro?

As for the years of composition, I found a review online that says that this is not known; but I'm not sure if that's just because the reviewer didn't see it in the liner notes, or whether it is established that today we really are ignorant of the years.

Alan Howe

Neither the keys nor dates are given in the liner notes. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!


Surprising CPO would miss that sort of stuff.


... don't know if this helps at all... but some of the performance material for the first two of these symphonies (dedicated to the Count Colon[n]a Oborski - what were that person's dates? it seems likely that the dedicatee was alive, since the dedication is not said to be posthumous, which might allow for some very general estimation...) can be found at (among other locations, maybe) Zbiory Muzyczne Kościoła Farnego p. w. św. Anny, Barczewo, Poland. RISM gives Tadeusz Maciejewski's 1985 work? essay? ..."Inwentarz rękopisów muzycznych kościoła farnego w Barczewie" (in a magazine, apparently? "Zeszyty naukowe. Akademia Muzyczna im. St. Moniuszki w Gdańsku", volume 24 (1985), pp.97-147) as a relevant source when it comes to these manuscripts.  Not the most helpful stuff there, but may be -something- ...

(Colonna and Oborski have something to do with Pierzchała ?)

Worldcat estimates that (what I'm guessing are the same two symphonies- the dedicatory text is the same) were published ca.1793 by Bossler of Darmstadt.

Alan Howe

Quote from: TerraEpon on Friday 05 October 2012, 18:56
Surprising CPO would miss that sort of stuff.

cpo's sleevenotes are notoriously uneven in quality. Proof-reading is often slipshod, translation into English is done by German nationals (which means it's poor), and content can vary from the flowery to the inconsequential. 'Could do better' would be my verdict.


Well I know they often tend to have wierd translations but as far as that info goes it's still surprising.

And unfortunately I *don't* have this disc in the mail. I actually got a different recent CPO disc I won't mention as the music is from the Classical period...

Still on my wish list though, of course. Happy to hear it's a winner.