Heinz Erhardt piano pieces 'mal klassisch'

Started by Wheesht, Monday 27 September 2021, 15:18

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The comedian, brilliant comic poet, actor and musical entertainer Heinz Erhardt (Riga 1909 – Hamburg 1979) is still a household in the German speaking countries today, fondly remembered for his film performances above all, although there was certainly more to him than that. He studied piano and composition in Leipzig and originally wanted to become a concert pianist. It was only long after his death that his children found music that he had composed in the attic. Japanese pianist Chie Ishii recorded 24 short romantic piano pieces for the musiktotal records label, among them 'Walzer eines Wahnsinnigen' (Waltz of a Madman) See here for the music in pdf format and here for Ms Ishii's performance of the piece. Downloads are available from her bandcamp site.


What an entertaining piece. I did not know that Heinz Erhardt did compose.

On a side-note, a funny coincidence – the piano she is playing on has the logo of the "Klavierhaus Hermann" printed on its side, a small piano seller at the small town of Trossingen in South Germany, a few km from where I was raised. It's funny how small the musical world is, sometimes... (there is a small musical university in Trossingen, but the pianist does not seem to be associated with it. The video must have been taken at a concert in the region)
