Gernsheim Symphonies: a reminder

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 19 November 2012, 10:21

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Alan Howe

An email from ArkivMusic this morning prompts me to urge anyone with a taste for tuneful, but meaty romantic-era symphonies to get hold of the splendid Arte Nova set of Gernsheim symphonies before they disappear. There's an enlightening review at ArkivMusic's website here:
I also note that the set is on offer at dirt cheap prices both here in the UK...
...and in the US:


I concur with Alan, I purchased these CDs when they first came out and have returned to them many times. They are one of my most pleasurable discoveries among the unsungs.

John H White

I've just been to Amazon UK's website, hoping to order some copies at the knockdown price, but I see that they are now charging over £22 for the 2 CD set! 

Alan Howe

You don't need to buy from Amazon themselves, John. Just click on the link below to find some far cheaper offers sold through Amazon - all you pay is an extra £1-26 for p & p and the set can be yours for less than £8!
Good to hear from you, by the way.


There is a second hand set for £8 at Harold Moors in London.  I saw it yesterday afternoon.

John H White

Many thanks, gentlemen for that information. However, I've now order the set for £12 post free from an e-bay site.
I've had my copy for several years, but I wanted a spare for a possible present for one of my friends.

Alan Howe


It's a really good set of symphonies and performances (and those who like to listen along to a score now have both the published score and the autograph to choose from, at @ IMSLP and the Berlin Library respectively (poss. soon both @ IMSLP.) (I especially like syms. 2 and 4, which latter sometimes reminds me a very little of Berwald's symphony 4, not the worst thing to be reminded of, though I think that work wasn't even premiered until some years after Gernsheim wrote his symphony...)