Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński (1807-1867): A Catalogue of his Orchestral Music

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 02 June 2012, 04:30

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With help from IMSLP and elsewhere as available, a partial and hopefully growing-toward-comprehensive list of the orchestral works of Dobrzyński (focusing on those works believed to be originally intended for the orchestra. Dates seem to be dates of approximated composition (or performance?) in most cases, publication not occurring until much later.

Overture de concert à grande orchestre, Op.1
Piano Concerto, F minor? A-flat major?, Op.2 (Selene ; Fredryk Chopin Institute CDs. ca.36 minutes.)
Rondo alla polacca (piano and orchestra), Op.6 (pub.1836)
Symphony No.1, Op.11
Marsz ulubiony ks. Józefa Poniatowskiego / Prince Józef Poniatowski's Favourtie March
Marsz Gwardii Narodowej / The National Guard March
Kantata na cześć walecznych obrońców Ojczyzny / Cantata in Honour of the Valiant Defenders of the Country for 4 solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra
Marche triomphale
Symphony No.2, Op.15 "Symphonie caractéristique" (pub.1863) (non-commercial recording has been broadcast)
Variations de concert sur une mazure favorite (for piano and orchestra or small ensemble), Op.12
Fantaisie sur un thème original for bassoon and orchestra, Op.28
Kantata na imieniny hr Henryka Łubieńskiego / Cantata for Henryk Count Lubienski's Nameday for mixed choir and orchestra
Deux polonaises concertantes à grand orchestre, Op.31
Fantaisie for violin and orchestra, Op.32
Kantata na uroczystość obchodzoną w Resursie Kupieckiej / Kantata for a Function at the Merchant's Hall , Op.34
Fantaisie pour la trompette à piston avec orchestre, Op.35
Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de l'opéra "Les Flibustiers" for violin and orchestra
Andante et Rondo alla polacca, Op.42(a) (11 minutes. flute and orchestra) (originally flute and piano piece? has been recorded a few times.
Elégie for cello and orchestra, Op.43
Cantata for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra, Op.44
Introduction et Variations sur thème original pour le trombone avec orchestre, Op.45
Umoresca capriciosa sur un thème italien, Op.53
Scherzo, Op.56
Święty Boże / O Holy God, supplications for 4 solo voices, choir and orchestra or organ, Op.61 (see RISM)
Lamentacja nad grobem Chrystusa Pana / Lamentation at the Grave of Christ the Lord for choir and orchestra, Op.62
Marsz na złote wesele J. Elsnera / March on the Occasion of Jozef Elsner's Golden Wedding Anniversary for orchestra
Marsz żałobny na śmierć J. Elsnera / Funeral March for Jozef Elsner for brass wind orchestra
Tableau musical, pour orchestre
Marsz żałobny na śmierć Fryderyka Chopina / Funeral March for Fryderyk Chopin for mixed choir and orchestra, Op.66
Polonez na dzień dojścia do pełnoletności carewicza Mikołaja Aleksandrowicza / Polonaise on the Occasion of Prince Nicholas Alexandrovich's Coming of Age for orchestra
1865: Mazur for male chorus and orchestra (1859-65 was taken up mostly by the composition of several operas. Allmusic.com describes "Monbar" as his only opera, which suggests either that they are wrong- not unusual! - or that these operatic projects were not completed- or something...)


Hello eschiss1,

thank you for your work done!
Do you have the book on Dobrzyński by his son Bronisław Dobrzyński, issued originally in 1893 and reissued by Camerata Visula in 2007?
It includes extensive and I believe comprehensive list of Dobrxyński's compositions.


Thank you, and no I don't, though the university library (I need to prepare another list of the books, scores to read and listen to next time(s) I go there- I already have a collection of such lists in my iPod's Notes section that I tended to harvest last I went but it's been some time) might have it.)

Hrm. They don't have it- and even at other libraries it seems rather rare... thanks!!