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Skroup String Quartets 1-3

Started by eschiss1, Friday 01 June 2012, 16:13

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I didn't know these works had been recorded- apparently this CD is quite new. No.3 is on Czech Radio D-dur right this very moment (pieces usually repeat after about 12 hours- this either is the repeat or it will repeat- and then on other days in the future. So I assume it will be broadcast again.) The first quartet is available at IMSLP.
Frantisek Skroup (1801-62) was I think one of the first Czech composers to write string quartets- I may be wrong there...- and his first (published 1842) seemed to me from the material at IMSLP  (Complete parts) to be of some interest.  Hoping to hear them, yes (and I should go listen to the 3rd quartet.)

this is a link for the Czech Radio cd.


No.3 was broadcast on BBC Through the Night/Euroclassic Notturno 3 days ago, by the way and so can be caught online :) (I think I missed it when it was on D-dur back in June when I was writing!... - not sure- certainly missed some of it). (Have been curious about this middle-Romantic's quartets ever since looking at that quartet at IMSLP; I haven't heard the Anthem he composed.) Seems to be good stuff.

" was I think one of the first Czech composers to write string quartets" was very silly for me to write- Czech is hard to define from that period, I think, but Kramar and Reicha come to mind, especially Kramar whose many string quartets could use, in my honest opinion, some real representation on recording (a few of them have been)- and I knew that.