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Les Ruses d'amour/Glazunov

Started by sdtom, Saturday 23 January 2010, 02:45

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This was a recent re-release from Naxos. It was originally a marco polo (8.220485) from 1992. I like it although I admit to being fond of Glazunov.


I like Glazunov. He was a very good orchestrator who wrote an excellent (in my opinion) violin concerto, but I haven't been too impressed with his piano music. I would not say though that I prefer Glazunov to other relatively unsung Russian composers, like Balakirev or Glinka. I'm also interested in Dargomyzhsky (or however you spell it), but I've only heard a few minutes of his work.


I started listening to Glazunov by starting with his symphonies. There are 19 CD's now available on Naxos of his material. You might check out the Naxos website to sample some of his material.

Alan Howe

Try the Serebrier symphonies on Warner - here is a conductor who really understands this repertoire. Magnificent. Start with Symphony No.5...


Your a good promoter Alan!!! Can you enlighten us a little more?

Alan Howe

To start with, Serebrier was a protégé of Stokowski and also worked with Szell. He is an extremely fine technician and has the ability to conjure wonderful sounds from the orchestras he works with. Secondly, Serebrier is a bit of a Glazunov enthusiast, which is a big plus! This combination of factors makes him an ideal conductor for Glazunov's symphonies - something clearly borne out by his cycle on Warner. 


I've always liked Glazunov, but I feel like I've heard more negative things about him from critics, etc.

Alan Howe

Who cares about the critics? Especially when they're wrong!


I really have to agree with Alan on this one. I have the 19 Naxos releases and for the most part enjoy Glazunov's work.


Quote from: Alan Howe on Saturday 23 January 2010, 18:06
Try the Serebrier symphonies on Warner - here is a conductor who really understands this repertoire. Magnificent. Start with Symphony No.5...

Yes -- if you can find it! It's out of print and unavailable in the US. There are some used copies out there on Ebay occassionally, but they go for $25 - $50!!!!

Alan Howe

Serebrier's Glazunov symphonies are easily available as far as I can see. Try ordering, say, Symphony No.5 from Amazon UK...


I find it fascinating that no one has spoken of the Neeme Järvi Cycle of Glazunov Symphonies on Orfeo. To me these are the Definitive versions. The Naxos versions of the Symphonies.....I find somehow cold and disinterested! I haven't heard the Serebrier version yet so I wouldn't know to compare, but I'm more than satisfied with the Järvi interpretation.


Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 28 January 2010, 00:05
Who cares about the critics? Especially when they're wrong!

Agreed.  I really need to have that mindset that if I like it...who cares what someone else thinks! :)


Quote from: FBerwald on Thursday 28 January 2010, 08:44
. The Naxos versions of the Symphonies.....I find somehow cold and disinterested!

Don't forget sloooooooooow.

I've owned both the BIS cycle, and the Chandos cycle (on Brilliant). The later gets the slight edge, outside of Symphony #1 which for some reason is....well just weird (and also slow). Unfortunately, since Chandos never recorded #7, they put the BIS one, forcing me to sell the BIS set. Ugh, record companies.

I'm hoping in a couple years they'll box up the Serebrier.


Glazunov's No. 7 is very peculiar and catchy!!! He seems to be deliberately imitating Beetoven's Pastoral ... atleast in the I st movement.