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Gade and beagles

Started by kolaboy, Saturday 09 June 2012, 20:53

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Miles R.

These anecdotes are hilarious. I have none from my own experience, unless you count the border collie that belonged to my mother and that would howl when she played the harp, but I don't think that the choice of music made any difference to him; but a baritone friend told me that his cat would rub against his leg and want to be picked up when he sang Italian opera but would leave the room when he sang German opera.


My roommate's dogs like to sit in my room while I'm listening to my unsungs.  However, I wear earplug headphones, and they follow me around wherever I go anyway.  They just wants they's puppy tickees.  Still, I wonder if they can hear whatever leaks out of my ears?

Alan Howe

Patrick Murtha

Quote from: eschiss1 on Wednesday 13 June 2012, 02:37
I need to resist asking if the books they like include certain mystery novels that often involve cats and sometimes classical music... (some of which I enjoyed particularly were a pair of cats in a series whose author died at a goodly age last year. ... anyway.)

Well, I don't have any of those particular books, but whatever I am reading, they seem to be interested in!

My Library Thing profile has some information about my reading habits and cultural interests:


Didn't Vaughan Williams compose a Concerto for Dog Whistle and Orchestra in the period between the 8th & 9th symphonies? I understand that critical response was muted, at best...