Lodewijk Mortelmans(1868-1952): a Catalogue of the Orchestral Music

Started by Dundonnell, Friday 15 June 2012, 01:58

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1887:   "De bloemen en de sterren" for girls' chorus or soprano and orchestra: 2 minutes
1889:   "Boertige optocht" for orchestra: 6 minutes
             "Houdt U fier" for chorus and orchestra: 2 minutes
1893:   Symphonic Poem "Lyrisch Gedicht" for chamber orchestra or string orchestra and harp: 8 minutes    + (Klara cd)
1894:   Symphonic Poem "Helios": 11 minutes   + (Phaedra cd)
             Symphonic Poem "Lente-Idylle": 11 minutes   + (Discover cd)
1895:   Symphonic Poem "Mythe der Lente": 10 minutes   +  (Marco Polo, Phaedra and Hyperion cds)
             "Salve Regina" for chorus and orchestra: 15 minutes
1896:   "Homerische Symphonie": 43 minutes    + (Hyperion cd)
1897:   "Hulde aan Peter Benoit" for orchestra: 6 minutes
1900:   "De Vlaamsche tal" for chorus and orchestra or string orchestra with piano:4 minutes
1901:   "De kinderen der zee" for orchestra or chorus and orchestra or soprano, tenor and orchestra (from the Opera)
             "Koekoek" for soprano and orchestra: 3 minutes
             "Lofzang aan hef vaderland" for children's chorus and orchestra: 4 minutes
1905:   Cantata "De Merode" for chorus and orchestra: 20 minutes
1907:   "Jong Vlaamderen" for children's chorus and orchestra: 30 minutes
1910:   Lyric Pastorale for Horn and Chamber Orchestra: 8 minutes
             "Kindje, wat ben je toch zacht" for girl's chorus and orchestra: 2 minutes
1912:   "Twee Landelijke Stukjes" for orchestra: 5 minutes
1917:   "Bruiloftsmarsch" for orchestra: 6 minutes
                Elegies for orchestra   
1919:   "Idyllische Naklank" for chamber orchestra: 2 minutes
1922:   Symphonic Poem "Morgenstemming": 13 minutes  + (Naxos, Hyperion and Phaedra cds)
1925:   "Treurdicht" for orchestra: 9 minutes
1926:   "Blijdschap" for female chorus and orchestra: 13 minutes
             "Mystieke dans" for middle voice and orchestra: 7 minutes
1928:   "Avondlied" for chamber orchestra: 3 minutes
1929:   "Kindersuite" for orchestra: 10 minutes
1930:   "Jubelmarsch" for orchestra or band: 8 minutes
1933:   "Evangelisch diptiek" for orchestra: 10 minutes   + (Etcetera cd)
1935:   Romanza for Violin and Orchestra: 6 minutes
1943:   "Gewijde Zang" for Violin and String Orchestra: 4 minutes


Symphonic Poem "Mei"
"Herdenking" for orchestra
"Hendrik Conscience herdacht" for chorus and orchestra: 30 minutes
"Oud-Vlaamsche kerstliederen" for mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra: 23 minutes
"Het viel een hemelsch dauwe for middle voice and string orchestra: 8 minutes
and many more songs with orchestral accompaniment




The 1894 symphonic poem "Lente-Idylle" exists on Discover Cd 920100 (A.Rahbari cond., BRT Phil.Orch.).


In the Naxos Cd 8.550584 (formerly Marco Polo) "Flemish Romantic Music" (the ubiquitous A.Rahbari conducting the BRT Phil.Orch.)  there is a "Fir Symphony" lasting 19' 04" (four movements without a break). As the title (and the booklet) are only in English (and say nothing about the year of composition) I cannote locate the work in the catalogue.


No wonder, the Fir Symphony is actually by Arthur Meulemans and is listed correctly in his catalogue as the Symphony No.3 "Dennensymfonie" [Fir Symphony].  8)

The Mortelmans in this cd is another piece, his 1922 Symphonic Poem "Morgenstemming" [Morning Mood] listed here above with the cd mentioned.


I should have clarified the situation regarding the Meulemans "Fir Symphony" which some sources, incorrectly, assume to be his Symphony No.1 ;D