Not sure where this goes at all but a comment about IMSLP for

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 19 June 2012, 17:37

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prospective scanners and people with scores, reductions, parts who want to share them and like the idea of uploading them to that site (which I'm associated with, I admit, in a volunteer capacity.) The thought of participating can be overwhelming for many reasons ; I suggest having a look at how other people have done this or that (the edit link is good not only for changing things but for seeing how things have been done) - and for example-
if you have a four-movement score with a brief third movement, and no time to scan the big score, or
a big pack of parts but the bassoon was not favored and has only 2 pages (or consider the rarely favored timpani or percussion :) ),
scan one movement or part and just begin the page for your piece (after learning of course what I am talking about when I say that.) A work page will be deleted with no content, or a composer page likewise, but a single part / movement counts as content.

(Example -good example to my mind- right now, the Dvorak symphonies have full scores and parts the most or all of them. But years ago when I was starting to use IMSLP? They either weren't there, or the pages just had a few parts - maybe flute, cello, bass, I think- scanned all four movements each - apiece (I forget if they were scanned by the person who uploaded them or scanned by a library and just transferred by the person who uploaded them- a whole lot of what I do is the latter, I've only scanned a very few things myself, and extremely poorly; usually I just try to find neat PD things at libraries :) )



After 7 years and 45,000 scanned pages, I still do not get the urge to contribute any more to this place. Too many stories of people spending hours scanning a work, only to receive a snotty e mail chastising them for not posting it properly.

I could scan another work in the time it would take to read through their guidelines and make sure I have followed all the procedures.

Perhaps things have improved, but the attitude of some of the moderators in the past left a lot to be desired.



Perhaps I was lucky in escaping the moderators' wrath. Earlier this year I scanned and uploaded over fifty scores from my own collection, and didn't really encounter very many problems with contributing to IMSLP. Once I got a handle on procedure, everything seemed very straightforward, but spending whole days bent over a scanner does not do anything beneficial to upper (or lower) vertebrae.


Apart from the risk of physical impairment, 'donating' to IMSLP is a great way of getting the music you care about to a wider audience of enthusiasts, researchers and, hopefully, performers...


Mark Thomas

I've contributed about twenty works over the past couple of years and have had moderator intervention on two of them - both instances where, on reflection, I think that they were correct. No complaints from me and an absolutely wonderful resource.