Fritz Brun(1878-1959): a Catalogue of the Orchestral music

Started by Dundonnell, Thursday 21 June 2012, 14:16

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1901:   Symphony No.1 in B minor
1906:   Symphonic Poem "Aus dem Buch Hiob": 17 minutes   +  (Guild cd)
1911:   Symphony No.2 in B flat major: 38 minutes   +  (Gallo and Musica Helvetica cds)
1915:   "Verheissung" for chorus, organ and orchestra
1919:   Symphony No.3 in D minor: 60 minutes    +  (Sterling cd)
1925:   Symphony No.4 in E: 45 minutes
1929:   Symphony No. 5 in E flat: 38 minutes    + (Guild cd)
1932:   "Grenzen der Menschheit" for male chorus and orchestra
1932-33:Symphony No.6 in C major: 33 minutes    +  (Guild cd)
1937:   Symphony No.7 in D major: 40 minutes    + (Guild cd)
1942:   Symphony No.8 in A major: 54 minutes    +  (Guild cd)
             Symphonic Prologue for orchestra
1944:   Variations on an original theme for Piano and String Orchestra: 20 minutes     +  (Guild and Gallo cds)
1946:   Piano Concerto  in A major
1947:   Cello Concerto in D minor
1949-50:Symphony No.9 in F major: 43 minutes    + (Guild cd)
1950:   Overture to an Anniversary Celebration
1953:   Symphony No.10 in B major: 30 minutes     +  (Guild cd)
1954:   Divertimento for Piano and String Orchestra
1957-58:   Rhapsodie for orchestra


I fixed the dates at Wikipedia to fit those at .
Not sure if we're counting these in the Orchestral Music category (though they fit the pattern of works like Verheissung- maybe...)

1915: Auf meines Kindes Tod for voice and orchestra (Goethe)
1917: Die drei Zigeuner for voice and orchestra (Lenau)
" : Jugendgedenken for voice and orchestra (Keller)


The three works you list, Eric, were all arrangements by Brun of music written by Othmar Schoeck. "Verheissung" is an original composition.

My criteria exclude arrangements ;D


Ah. Missed that or I indeed would not have listed them. Sorry!


Gareth Vaughan


It sure has.  Most recent release in the series, I believe.


Alan Howe

It's an old thread, Gareth. One of those catalogues that constantly need updating. Very annoying.


Unfortunate that it can't be updated, but I'd be upset if it and others didn't need updating once-a-while for new premiere recordings (apologies for the language joke, though at the same time I do mean that :) )

Alan Howe

Sorry, we're not going to update these catalogues. It's so easy to check on availability elsewhere anyway.


no worries (well, I do worry about some of their other inaccuracies - of dates, e.g. -  when they're quoted in other places, but what-can-you-do. )

Alan Howe

What can you do? Look elsewhere and always double-check!


Hi everybody and a Happy New Year  ;)
There is a complete list of Brun's works on his homepage (with English version).
Just to tell you that my recording of Brun's complete works for piano and orchestra (on one over 70 minutes-CD) will be released by Guild in May 2014 and his 4th Symphony (coupled with Rhapsodie) in November 2014.
In March I will record the 2nd Symphony (coupled with Symphonic Prologue) and in autumn the 8th Symphony. For 2015 there just one CD left to complete my "complete" series, i.e. Brun's Cello Concerto, coupled with two works for chorus and orchestra). Perhaps the Schoeck orchestrations will be recorded too.
The concertante works have been and will be recorded with the Bratislava Symphony Orchestra; the Symphonies, as usual, with the Moscow Symphony. Pianist Tomas Nemec, with whom I have recorded a Pilati CD (on Marco Polo/Naxos) and my own Concertino for Celesta and Strings (on Inedita), is absolutely sensational. I knew he would be the right man for this terribly difficult Piano Concerto. Our perfect mutual understanding will be heard in full on this recording. And no other pianist would have learned this work in such a short time and with such enthusiam. A big star would have needed years, or refused.
Anybody wanting a slideshow of our Piano Concerto's sessions in Bratislava (including a musical excerpt), can post here an e-mail request and I will post this video via UNDER CONDITION IT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED ON YOUTUBE!
Or to my e-mail address mentioned on
Of course, work on my video documentary on Brun is also in progress. It will be finished next year and also contain recording session's episodes from Moscow and Bratislava.
Of Piano Concerto and Variationen über ein eigenes Thema I have edited new and critical study scores for two pianos.
Brun's Piano Concerto will be a real discovery, gorgeous post-Romatnic music. For me it is the most beautiful Swiss Piano Concerto of the 20th century (perhaps alongside with Frank Martin's 2 Concertos). Raff's Piano Concerto gets the 19th century Palmaris!
Not to forget that composer Albert Moeschinger has also written 5 very interesting piano concertos.
Regards from Zürich

GMCD 7409 (2014)
Fritz Brun (1878-1959)
Konzert für Pianoforte und Orchester A-Dur (1946)
Variationen für Streichorchester und Klavier über ein eigenes Thema (1944)
Divertimento für Klavier und Streicher (1954)
Tomáš Nemec, piano
Bratislava Symphony Orchestra
Adriano, conductor
(rec. in Bratislava July and August 2013)

Alan Howe

That's wonderful, Adriano. Thanks very much for sharing all this with us. And congratulations on the absolutely thrilling recording of Symphony No.1.


Fascinating and tantalizing, Adriano! I wish the best of luck to you on your most honorable endeavors! :)