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William Grant Still

Started by Karll, Saturday 30 May 2009, 05:49

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I am a double bass player in the Fort Smith, Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and we just finished recording sessions for Naxos of the William Grant Still Symphonies # 4 and # 5.

The two symphonies are more advanced than the 1st Symphony with creative use of harmonies and melodies.  The 1st Symphony is brilliantly orchestrated and very good in many passages but the 4th and 5th Symphonies will hold the listener's attention for the duration.

Some of the passages are very beautiful and a couple of movements sound as if Shostakovitch assisted in writing these two neglected works. I also found a few spots in the music to be very moving and I look forward to acquiring the CD.

A release date has not been announced at this time.  May 29, 2009.


Thanks, Greg.  That is, indeed, good news.  Naxos never ceases to whet our appetites for interesting and unusual repertoire.  I'll be looking forward to the release (and particularly will listen for the bass parts!).


Yes, and welcome aboard, Greg!  Belated greetings from the welcoming committee (of one)! :D

P.S. Is the S 1 the Afro-American Symphony?  Or are my composers mixed up?


It's really nice to know that every now and then an American orchestra gets to record music in that fabulous American music series. I picked up all of the Chandos recordings of Still for symphonies 1 & 2, the Cambria version of #3 (also from Arkansas. No coincidence I think), and finally we'll have 5 & 6. I hope you get the chance to go back and do 2 & 3 for a complete cycle. Who's conducting?

I HAVE recorded no. 1. How did I miss that? I love that work, and have four other recordings but somehow missed the Naxos.


I assume these are all recommended recordings.   Any other good ones by Still that you would also recommend?

I have one CD which is ok, but it's a little more vocal and not necessarily on the top of my list (but I should really give it another shot).


Still's 1st Symphony is the "Afro-American Symphony.

There are some dull spots but in general there are some very exceptional passages in this work.  I have heard Jarvi conduct an excellent performance on the Chandos Lable.


There are several fine recordings of the Afro-American Symphony (no. 1) but the best available right now is Paul Freeman and the Chicago Sinfonietta on Cedille. His earlier 1970's version on CBS was perhaps even more lively, but the superior recording quality of Cedille wins the day. The Jarvi is excellent, too. The earliest with Karl Krueger (on different labels) is still pretty good, too.


Another good recording of the "Afro-American" Symphony has been recorded by the Fort Smith Symphony under the direction of John Jeter on the Naxos label. 

The disc  includes the World Premiere recordings of "Africa" and "In Memoriam."


I have this disc. A good friend of mine gave me It as present a few years ago. It is a very good performance of very interesting and colorful works. ;)




Here are some lesser known works of William Grant Still. At the time of these performances none of the works had been recorded.

Poem for Orchestra

Archaic Ritual