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More unsung piano concertos?

Started by Syrelius, Wednesday 21 October 2009, 06:52

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Quote from: Ilja on Monday 25 January 2010, 13:54
The only thing that had me puzzled was the exclusion of the Taneyev-completed movements of the Third Concerto, and the inclusion of the execrable Siloti adaptation of the Second's middle movement...

Huh, that's weird. Ah well, I wasn't planning on buying it anyway....


For those interested in playing a bit of Widor, the 1st concerto Op.39 has recently been digitalised by the BSB and can be downloaded on the following link.




Glad to see the Widor and Rosenhain concertos included, among other works.  (BSB has a score of Rosenhain's piano sonata in f, and IMSLP has a few other works uploaded, but Worldcat lists only one recording, of Katsaris playing a solo piano work called Morceau de concert sur un thème de La reine de Chypre. I don't think I've seen or heard the concerto yet, at that.)


I think anyone who likes Moscheles, Kalkbrenner & Mendelssohn Concerti will like the Rosenhain.

There are some nice lyrical moments, more agitated sections, crashing chords and two pages of split octaves just in the first movement.

Should be a good one.
