Alberic Magnard(1865-1914): a Catalogue of the Orchestral Music

Started by Dundonnell, Wednesday 25 July 2012, 21:42

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1888-89:"Suite dans le style ancient" for orchestra, op.2: 14 minutes   +   (Timpani cd)
1890:   Symphony No.1 in C minor, op.4: 30 minutes    + (EMI, BIS and Hyperion cds)
1893:   Symphony No.2 in E major, op.6: 40 minutes    +  (EMI. BIS and Hyperion cds)
1895:   "Chant funebre" for orchestra, op. 9: 14 minutes    +   (EMI and Timpani cds)
             Overture, op.10: 12 minutes     +   (EMI and Timpani cds)
1896:   Symphony No.3 in B flat minor, op.11: 40 minutes    +   ( Cacavelle, Decca, EMI, BIS and Hyperion cds)
1902:   "Hymne a la Justice" for orchestra, op.14: 14 minutes   +  (EMI and Timpani cds)
1903-04:"Hymne a Venus" for orchestra, op.17: 13 minutes    +   (Ricercar and Timpani cds)
1913:   Symphony No.4 in C sharp minor, op.21: 36 minutes    +   (EMI, BIS and Hyperion cds)[/b]


Finally a composer where everything seems to be recorded, and where I have it all. Oh: bliss!


Some additions to the discography.
The Symphony n.3 exists in two performances (both dating 1968) by Ernest Ansermet and Suisse Romande.
The second one (Decca) was a studio recording (BTW the last by Ansermet and the SRO).
The slightly earlier was a broadcast released in 2009 by Cascavelle.
I remember myself treasuring a lot the Lp as soon as it was released, and longing some years before Plasson recorded all the Symphonies (which were recorded and released in different times), plus three orchestral works.
The Hymne a Venus exists also as Cd format on Ricercar (P.Batrholomeè , Orch. de Liège); and existed since the days of Lp.   


I wonder if some of his remaining works will hit recording soon (has Botstein conducted Bérénice yet? I forget...)