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Pavel Pabst (1854-97)

Started by Peter1953, Wednesday 06 January 2010, 13:57

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Dear Friends,

I was delighted to see that there is a whole discussion dedicated to my first recording and I would like to thank everybody for your warm support and comments.

It is really rewarding to read about the positive ones and, at the same time, I have to say that I could not agree more with the negative ones...

There are just a few things I would like to draw your attention to though:

First of all there was a slight problem with the Rhapsody-the first version that came out was incomplete in terms of the editing process (during to a problem of technical nature) and unfortunately some of you might have this pro-version instead of the normal/final/official one which came out a tiny bit later after the proper editing session.

Furthermore, I understand that the Pabst performance is far from perfect but we all know how the case normally is with premieres (by that I mostly mean the limited time to prepare).

Most people would not even have enough time to even learn and perform the concerto by heart (something which I did) or would do post-editing (something which happens very often with live recordings that are not -unlike this one- really live).

Now, in case you want to see how well I can deal with more familiar repertoire on the concert platform you can visit my youtube channel. Here's the link:

I am sure you will agree with me on that the pianistic form I display in those -100% live- videos is matched only by very, very few competition winners.

Let me thank you in advance for even reading my long message and I really hope to establish contact with each one of you personally.

Very Best,


P.S. It is an extreme honour to even see my name next to the one of a pianistic titan like Oleg Marshev.

Alan Howe

Welcome, Panagiotis!

I congratulate you on your enterprise in learning and recording the Pabst concerto. I just think you were somewhat let down by the orchestra and the technical team, but then we didn't expect Marshev to come up with a recording so soon after yours.

Do you have any other unsung and unrecorded piano concertos which you would like to record?


Really!  I have your recording of the Pabst, and, while I agree with the criticisms of the orchestra and engineering, I found your performance superb.  Welcome to our little  ;D forum!  Hope you like to talk unsungs, because they're all the rage here. 


Yes, a warm welcome to the Forum, Panagiotis. As you can read, the communio opinis is that you're playing is excellent, with passion, in short: a superb performance.

However, I bought the Marshev, because the Danish orchestra's playing should be far more better. And the couplings influenced my decision as well. Not another Rachmaninov again, but PC's by Rimsky-Korsakov (four short movements, based upon one theme, in total lasting less than 15 minutes) and the Scriabin (he's supposed to have written his only PC while he was in love; I'm afraid I cannot hear any romantic or passionate passage).
The Pabst is a fine concerto, but not a truly great PC as I feel it, although I like the first movement in particular because it's memorable and has both virtuoso and lyrical passages. It's by far the best of the three on the disc. Rimsky-Korsakov's PC is curious, but I don't like the man's attitude towards my favourite unsung composer. And the Scriabin, well, like most of Scriabin's music, I don't like it much either.
But I'm satisfied with the Danacord disc. Marshev plays it very well and the Danes did a fine performance as well.

Panagiotis, I'm looking forward to your recordings of other unsung piano concertos, and your opinions of the many unsung favourites and heroes we're discussing here.


I too look forward to your further ventures.

The clip on you tube where you play the Rimsky-Korsakov transcription is pretty much beyond belief and I cannot imagine many pianists (prize winning or not), being able to do that.



Thank you so much for your kind words my friends and I am really sorry it took me so long to answer.

I must say that I do not have anything actually planned as far as rare concerto recordings are concerned but I would definitely love to try something new.

I am indeed looking forward to participating in the discussions of this wonderful forum and extend my (pretty limited I must admit) general musical knowledge.

Thanks again.


Boy, oh boy!  Can we come up with some ideas for something new!  See if you can get your hands on a recording of the Rufinatscha Concerto in G Minor.  A number of us have the CD from the Tiroler Landesmuseum in Innsbruck, but I think that the full score is in their custody.  If you like it, maybe some of us can pool our resources... :)


For the full score, one needs to contact Franz Gratl who is head of the music dept.
