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Sherwood on Toccata

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 08 March 2012, 14:04

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Alan Howe

The first CD dedicated exclusively to works by Percy Sherwood, in this case the complete works for cello and piano, is to be issued by Toccata Classics:

Gareth Vaughan

I noticed this too - and I'm particularly pleased about it, because I looked at Sherwood's Cello Sonatas in the Bodleian Library archive and thought they were lovely. Very Brahmsian - and very well written.

Alan Howe

Progress on the project is well advanced, so watch this space...

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Are these not among the most glorious late Romantic cello sonatas in the entire repertoire...? (audio excerpts now available)


Quote from: Alan Howe on Wednesday 23 May 2012, 22:38
Are these not among the most glorious late Romantic cello sonatas in the entire repertoire...? (audio excerpts now available)
Just listened to the excerpts. You are right! Glorious is the adjective that comes to mind. We have truly been missing something.

Mark Thomas

I've just downloaded all the tracks and played through the two Cello Sonatas.  These are absolutely beautiful works and my first impressions are that this CD is a real treasure. The music is, well others have used the word already, glorious: glowing and full of life. Autumnal in places of course, as one would expect from the cello, but generally full of spirit and melody. Joseph Spooner's playing is a joy and I must say that his meticulously researched booklet essay is a model of its kind, hugely informative both about Sherwood and the music.

I can't wait to give these works a proper concentrated hearing later....

Alan Howe

We're off to the launch of this CD next Monday in London - should be a fascinating occasion...

Mark Thomas

Martin Anderson

If anyone else wants information on the launch of the Sherwood CD in central London next Monday evening, drop me a line at The CDs come in from the factory this afternoon (I hope: cross your fingers!) and so can be ordered through the Toccata Classics website whenever you want.

Alan Howe

Thanks, Martin - and see you next Monday!


Well, my copy of this classic cd arrived here in the colonies just this morning.  Yes, repeat:  glorious!  (at our house when someone repeats something again and again, someone else will say "tape".....)

My favorite cello sonata is Rachmaninoff's, but this, especially the first sonata, gives Sergei a run for his money.

Thanks, Martin



It's been on high rotation since I got it a couple of months ago. Thank you to UC for bringing it to my attention.


since my own favorite 2 cello sonatas were influenced by the Rachmaninoff (I suspect) though no comparison of style was intended there, that's still some reason (somehow...) for me to seek it out anyway. (Well, that and the score of the sonata that's at IMSLP looked interesting too, if I recall. So yes, I need to try to catch up with this disc! :) )