Latest Naxos Releases

Started by kyjo, Monday 06 August 2012, 03:32

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Here's a few of the latest releases over at Naxos. Apologies if not all is of interest here.
Casella:Concerto for Orchestra, War Pages (first recording), and Suite in C major
Vivian Fung: Piano and Violin Concertos, Glimpses
Maxwell Davies: Symphonies 4 and 5 (reissues of Collins Classics recordings)
Pfitzner: Symphony in C+Schumann Concertstuck
Villa-Lobos: Symphonies 6 and 7 (apparently the start of a complete cycle)
William Wallace (1802-1865 (I think those are his dates; not to be confused with the late romantic one)): "Chopinesque" (salon pieces for solo piano and one piece for piano and orchestra)
Kenneth Fuchs: Orchestral Music (approachable, tonal American composer)
Griffes and Deems Taylor: Orchestral Music (reissue of Delos CD)
Debussy: Preludes Books 1 and 2 (orchestrated by Peter Breiner)
Claude Baker: Orchestral Works (probably too modern for this forum, but I'm not sure)
Wolf-Ferrari: Wind Concertinos
Del Tredici: Complete Piano Works Volume 1
Hope these are of interest :)


That's -really- confusing actually. There's several William Wallaces, yes; two 20th-century musicians (or one? MusicSack may just have its facts wrong...); William Wallace (1860-1940); and  a (William) Vincent Wallace- Irish composer, spent much of his time in the USA - but his dates are not 1802-1865 but rather 1812-1865.  There's a whole lot of his music scanned in at LoC, a little of it at IMSLP, some of his music- including an opera or two (Maritana, The Amber Witch), and a good amount of piano music - already recorded by Naxos and other labels.  I'm guessing you probably mean the last of these :)...

I wonder how the Villa-Lobos on Naxos will compare with the cycle already on cpo? Those are fun symphonies.


It's definitely William Vincent Wallace, the Irish one, 1812-65. It's the third disc in a series of his piano arrangements and paraphrases, so far as I can see.


Sorry for confusing you, Eric about Wallace's dates :-[. I should have checked. Anyway what are your opinions on a new Villa-Lobos cycle? I appreciate it that the Villa-Lobos is finally getting justice, but, IMO, we need other things more. I hate to sound ungrateful, but the CPO performances of the cycle are quite satisfactory. Now if his lost fifth symphony could be found and recorded, I would get excited about that :D. If members here rave about the new Villa-Lobos CDs, I'll get them. But for now I'm staying with the CPO set. I know this is wishful thinking, but I hope complete cycles of the Santoro and Tavares symphonies appear someday ;D. And Carmago Guarnieri's seventh symphony remains unrecorded. And don't forget Alberto Williams! Shutting up now :-X.


Oh, I expect you're quite right! And I still haven't heard all of the cpo series - though what i have heard, and even more his string quartets on Dorian and Marco Polo, have increased my opinion of him (elitist, Eric, tsk tsk) considerably- well, at least, changed it, showing me that he could do more than I had thought and do it well in various genres. Anyways.

By the way, a guitar recital this month on Naxos has a work by Stjepan Sulek in it. Not much on that CD by him, but his music has proven to be very good, I've been glad to be introduced to his muse- the increase in exposure seems a good thing to me! Some of the other things in their new releases look good to me too (but then I quite like WF Bach and may like Montsalvatge, e.g. If one adds the labels they distribute- in the US anyway - works by Jean Cras are tempting, likewis e this new recording on Timpani, of d'Indy's very rarely recorded (3rd recording, though, this?) symphony in A "Italienne" which I still remember someone telling me on Netnews did not exist...

And chamber works by Le Flem (piano quintet... wait, don't we "have" a recording of his piano quintet? ... Hrm. *goes to compare the performers*) Oh, it's a reissue of a 2004 Timpani recording, it's been around for awhile! (On doit peut-ĂȘtre voyer

Gareth Vaughan

Is there any word on the completion of the Ries piano concertos?


nothing since a communication I had which was "out soon" in an email from Mr. Badley (which was mainly about something else to do with the Ries concertos), on June 18th.
I think the bit about the le Flem is a sign that Naxos is taking over distribution of Timpani in the US- a lot of Timpani CDs show up in their new releases this month. All to the good, I say, it makes music of Ropartz, le Flem, etc. more widely available here (in principle).

Gareth Vaughan

Thanks, Eric. Let's hope "soon" means this year!

Mark Thomas

... as opposed to a cpo "soon". ;)


Gosh, don't even get me started on CPO "soons"! Where's the Johann Nepomuk David symphony CDs? The Holbrooke Symphony 3, "Grasshopper" VC, and Auld Lang Sayne Variations? The Urspruch Symphony and PC? The Gernsheim PC? The Julius Weismann Orchestral Works? The Kallstenius symphonies? The Georg Schumann Symphony in B Minor? I'm sure there are many more CDs of CPO's eagerly waiting to be released. Still, I'm most grateful to CPO for what they've done to promote the unsungs, however slow they may be ;).

Gareth Vaughan

The Holbrooke works have not been recorded yet, owing to Howard Griffiths' accident at the end of last year (he broke his arm rather badly - his conducting arm!) which threw the recording schedules out. However, I am informed that the recording sessions for the VC and Symphony No. 3 are scheduled for January 2013. Whether or not they will include the Auld Lang Syne Variations I don't know - I doubt all 3 works would fit on one CD.


Thank you Gareth. I've a mixture of sadness (been anxiously scouring Tower Records and the website for ages) and gladness (the recording is still scheduled) about that Holbrooke.


Thanks for the reply, Gareth. Poor Howard Griffiths :(! I wish I could send him a get well card!


Inclined to agree. Sympathies over that way :(