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Too lengthy, but irresistible

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 10 August 2012, 22:50

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Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 10 August 2012, 22:50
OK, I admit it: I just can't help myself. I find some unsung pieces of music irresistible, even though I know they're too long. An example? Rheinberger's 53-minute long Florentiner Sinfonie (that's longer than any of Brahms' symphonies). Its first movement features a rising figure that is repeated again and again in different guises, but oh the flood of melody and the gorgeous orchestration - heaving cello lines, solemn brass. I'm in seventh heaven. Too long? Of course. But what scenery...
Then, as it if that weren't enough, there's a gloriously lyrical slow movement to lose yourself in, followed by the dreamiest of menuettos suggesting, according to the composer's wife, a slow carriage journey out of the city of Florence to a high-lying church from where the city could be viewed beneath them. Then there's a jolly, boisterous finale which just sweeps you along - again too long, but I can forgive the composer anything because there's always some lovely tune to carry you along or some marvellous passage of orchestral writing to entertain you. Too lengthy? Sure, but I can't help myself...

Has anyone a candidate in this category (one or two per person, please, preferably with reasons)?

Well after that eulogy, I felt an immediate urge to order a used copy from the US.  Sounds like just the sort of indulgent wallow I adore - and Rheinberger is a gem of an Unsung anyway.  Not many months pass without an outing for the first Organ Concerto (though that is less Unsung than most of his output......)

Alan Howe

I do hope my enthusiasm results in a 'conversion' - not that it sounds like you need too much persuading to acquire some more Rheinberger (for me, one of the great unsung craftsman-composers). Do let us know your opinion of the piece when it arrives...


When performed by Chailly, Mendelssohn's Symphony 2 is an unbroken pleasure for me, even though the last part has too many numbers to be fully coherent.

M. Yaskovsky

Raff Symphony nr.1 - short on melodic material, finale problem.
Rubinstein Symphony #2 - Ocean, 7 movement version - some problems.

M.Yaskovsky - short on reasons / explanations - clear problems!

And with all respect to you!


erm... could one -try- to give reasons (even if slight and brief and perpendicular to reason-reasons- this is music, not math, and the reasonableness of math is -- overrated by people outside the... never mind) - both for the irresistible and the too lengthy parts- in this person's honest opinion?... better chance to draw others to one's corner that way. (Of course, Dag Henrik Esrum-Hellerup's piano concerto played by Joyce Hatto is neat even if also too full of longueurs but does tend to bring one back... oh, shut up, Eric.)

Alan Howe

The previous points are entirely proper and relevant; in fact they restate our constant mantra here at UC, namely that an explanation of the reason(s) behind the opinion presented is the most interesting part of of a post.
So, with the greatest of respect, please tell us not merely what you think, but why you think it!