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Walter Gaze Cooper

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 28 August 2012, 01:27

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Alan Howe

Posted elsewhere by enigma and moved here:

I would like to hear the music by the composer Walter Gaze Cooper who founded and conducted  the Nottingham Symphony Orchestra and on occasion conduct a work of his own occasionally.
I understand his music needs "sorting out" whatever that means (I am not a musician).I did hear a symphony of his over 40 years ago with him directing his orchestra.
At that time it sounded decent.I would like to hear it again.
I contacted by present conductor some time ago who said he would investigate,but nothing happened.
Any comments from anyone?

Alan Howe

Moderator's query:

Can Cooper's music be described as 'Romantic'?


I think it is definitely romantic, from the one piece I have heard (the Oboe Concertino on Cameo).


Walter Thomas "Gaze" Cooper has featured in previous postings, and I did download his My Grandchildren – Suite, Op.90 (?1965) in which he conducts the orchestra he founded, the NottinghamSO. I think we can say it's in the romantic style, despite the date, and although it's a low quality recording, I am happy to upload it if anyone really wants it.

There's an interesting biographical note about "GC", as he was apparently called, at:

Gareth Vaughan

Gaze Cooper's MSS are held by Desmond Hayes-Lynge on behalf of the British Music Society. I was instrumental in getting the Oboe Concertino recorded by Cameo Classics and I am in touch with Desmond and with a former pupil of Gaze's, Chris Pilkington, who lives in Nottingham and is organizing a concert of his music for this October (in Nottingham with good amateur players and semi-professionals, including a number of Gaze's former pupils). I am hoping to interest the Bekova/Bezrodny Trio in some of his chamber music. Gaze Cooper wrote in a very approachable, tonal, neo-Romantic style (which probably accounts for his neglect by the BBC!), but with a distinctive voice.  There are 8 extant symphonies and at least 4 piano concerti, a violin concerto, and others. He is fully deserving of serious exploration.

Alan Howe

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 28 August 2012, 11:32
Gaze Cooper wrote in a very approachable, tonal, neo-Romantic style (which probably accounts for his neglect by the BBC!), but with a distinctive voice.

Comparable to George Lloyd, say?

Gareth Vaughan

Not too far removed, Alan. But some of his music also sounds a bit like Shostakovitch in places. I'm thinking of the deliberate banality of the last movt. of the 4th PC. In truth I haven't seen enough of his music to make an authoritative judgement, but everything I have seen I have liked.

Alan Howe

I think, if you don't mind, that we should leave the subject of Gaze Cooper there as I'm unsure at present whether his music falls within UC's revised remit. However, if we find evidence to the contrary, I'll gladly re-open the thread.