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Theodor Kirchner 1823-1903

Started by giles.enders, Saturday 08 June 2019, 10:49

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Theodore Kirchner Born Neukirchen, near Chemnitz  10.12.1823  Died Hamburg 18.9.1903

His initial studies were under Carl Ferdinand Becker in Leipzig. In 1843 he went to Winterthur as organist.  From 1862 he was in Zurich as a conductor and teacher remaining there till 1873 when he was appointed director of the music school in Wurzburg.  This was followed by moves to Leipzig, Dresden and Hamburg.
He was a friend of Schuman and Mendelssohn. As a composer of solo for solo piano, his compositions were "of considerable beauty and at times rise to considerable heights of inspiration"  Many of his scores are available through the ISMLP, Petrucci Music Library1


Piano quartet in C minor  Op.84  1888   pub. by Hofmeister
Serenade for piano trio  in E  Op.15    pub. by Hofmeister
Novelletten for piano trio    Op 59   pub. by Simrock
Kinder trios  Op.58
Romanze & schlummerlied for violin and piano  Op.63
Eight pieces for violin and piano  Op.79   1886   pub. by Hofmeister
Two pieces for piano,violin & cello; Andante, Allegretto  Op.97  pub. by Hofmeister
Bunte Blatter for violin, viola and piano  Op.63
Twelve fantasies for violin & piano  Op.90  pub. by C G Roder
Eight pieces for cello & piano  Op.79   pub. by Hofmeister
String quartet in G Op.20   pub. by Hofmeister


Ten pieces  Op.2  1852   pub. by Rieter-Biedermann
Grusse an meine Freinde  five pieces   Op.5   pub. by Bartholf Senff
Album Leaves - nine pieces  Op.7  1856   pub. by Augener also Hofmeister
Scherzo in A  Op.8  1857   pub. by Rieter-Biedermann
Sixteen preludes  Op.9  1859   pub. by Rieter-Biedermann
Sketch  Op.11   pub. by Breitkopf and Hartel
Adagio quasi fantasia  Op.12
Seven songs without words  Op.13   pub. by Rieter-Bierdemann
Fantasiestucke , three books  Op.14   pub. by Rieter-Bierdemann
Kleine list und Trauerspiel  12 pieces Op.16   pub. by Bartolff Senff
Neue Davidsbunderlertanze  Op.17   
Legend  Op.18   pub. by Bartolf Senff
Aquarellen twelve pieces  Op.21   pub by C F Peters
Eight Romances  Op.22  pub. by C F Peters
Waltz  Op.23   pub. by C F Peters
'Still and moving' eight pieces  Op.24   pub. by Rieter-Biedermann
Nocturne  Op.25  1877   pub. by Breitkopf & Hartel
Album  Op.26   pub. by Hofmeister
Caprice  Op.27   pub. by Hofmeister
Four Nocturnes  Op.28   pub. by Hofmeister
Sketches, 3 movements  Op.29  1877 pub by Hofmeister
Study and recreation four books  Op.30   pub. by G Schirmer
Twilight  Op.31   pub. by Hofmeister
Aus truben tagen  Op.32   pub. by Hofmeister
Ideal  Op.33   pub. by Rieter-Biedermann
Fourteen pieces  Op.35   pub. by Hofmeister 
Phantasie  Op.36  pub by Hofmeister
Four elegies  Op.37   1878
Twelve etudes  Op.38   pub. by Hainauer
Village stories,  fourteen pieces  Op.39
Snow storm  three books Op.41
Seven mazurkas  Op.42  1879
Polonaise  Op.43   pub. by Hofmeister
Spring with Strauss, four books Op.44
Six pieces  Op.45   pub. by Fr Kistner
Thirty Kinder und Kunstler - Tanze  op.46
Federichnungen  Op.47  1880   pub. by R Forberg
Six Humoureques  Op.48  pub. by C F Peters
Twenty pieces  Op.49   pub. by Augener
On Stephen Heller  Op.51   pub. by Hofmeister
Florestan & Eusebius Op53   pub. by Hofmeister
Scherzo  op.54   pub. by Hofmeister
Neue Kinderscenen  Op.55   pub. by G Schirmer
Quiet hours  Op.56  1881
Twelve pieces for 4 hands  Op.57   pub. by C F Peters
Twelve pieces  Op.59   pub. by N Simrock
Plaundereien  Op.60   pub. by Roders'chen
Fifteen miniatures  Op.62   pub. by Hofmeister
Gavotten,menuettem und lyriche stucke  Op.64   pub. by Hofmeister
Five Sonatinas  Op.70   pub. by Hofmeister
100 Kleinen studien  Op.71   pub. by Breitkopf  & Hartel
Stille lieder und tanze  Op.72   pub. by Hoffarth
Romanische Geschichten 20 pieces  Op.73  pub. by CFW Siegel's Mucikalenhandling
Alte Erinnerungen  Op.74   pub. by Hofmeister
Reflexe  Op.76   pub. by Hofmeister
Polonaise, waltz and dance  Op.77  pub. by Rieter-Biedermann
Gedenblatter  Op.82   pub. by Rieter-Bierdemann
Twelve pieces  Op.83  pub. by Hofmeister
Var uber ein eigenes Theme for two pianos  Op.85  1888
Seven waltzes, for two pianos  Op.86   pub. by C F Peters
Confidences  Op.96
Erinnerungsblatter  Op.101
Thirtysix Etudes  Op.105   pub. by August Cranz


Madchenlieder  Op.3  1852
four lieder  Op.4
'Zwei Konig' Op.10
Three poems  words Franz von Holstein  Op.40   pub. by Fec Leuckart
Six lieder  words by Victor Bluthgen  Op.50   pub. by Hofmeister
Liebeserwachen  Op.67  1883
Foue lieder  words by Goethe  Op.69  pub. by Hofmeister
Eine schoener Stern geht auf  words  by Heine  Op103


Tonstucke for organ with cello   Op.92  pub. by Rieter-Bierdemann

1. This is named in honor of Ottavio da Petrucci  18.6.1466-7.5.1539  He was the inventor of the process of printing music by means of movable metal types in 1502. This invention did much to spread music by the multiplication of music works by printing.


His _name_, anyway, recently got some currency when his quite nice arrangements of Brahms' sextets for piano trio were included in a very cheap and large (USD 0.99) digital album of trio works over @ Amazon...

Mark Thomas


Actually, nope, the K[alichstein]-L[aredo]-R[obinson] trio...

Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas

These are very convincing arrangements by Kirchner, idiomatic for the piano trio whilst being faithful to Brahms' original, and persuasively played by the Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson Trio. Thanks, Eric.