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Massenet's Le Mage

Started by Mark Thomas, Friday 14 September 2012, 14:16

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Mark Thomas

I'm delighted to see that, as part of the Biennale Massenet marking the centenary of his death, the Opéra Théâtre in the French city of Saint-Etienne is mounting two concert performances (details here) of the five act grand opera Le Mage. No doubt its scale and the fact that there is a ballet in the fourth act precluded a fully staged production. I do hope that this leads to a recording, or at least a broadcast, of the opera which remains an unaccountable gap in the Massenet discography. Preceded by Eslcarmonde and followed by Werther and Thaïs, arguably their creator's greatest operas, Le Mage promises to be a wonderfully enjoyable experience. I only wish that I could be there.

Alan Howe

Cor! What a prospect! Let's hope someone's on hand to record it...


The long-awaited Le mage will be broadcast on Radio France Lyrique on November 17th 2012 at 19:00!

As well as Saint Etienne's Le Mage there are a few more Massenet rarities in performance in the current opera season to tempt Massenet aficionados away from their CD-players. As well as the usual fare of Manon and Werther a few adventurous opera houses are producing some nice mouth-watering rarities: Cleopâtre in Marseilles (16.6.2013), Esclarmonde in Desssau (26.5.2013) and Thais in Lübeck (17.5.2013).

Alan Howe

Can anyone record the broadcast? Pleeeease!!!

Mark Thomas

I intend to, Alan, but really the more the merrier...

Alan Howe

Has anyone else the facility to do so?


Quote from: Alan Howe on Monday 08 October 2012, 07:50
Can anyone record the broadcast? Pleeeease!!!
Let us know if this particular opera has an overture, too?  I'd download the whole thing and throw the rest away just to get an unsung overture!

Mark Thomas

Quotethrow the rest away
Words fail me  >:(

...but you'll be saved this act of sacrilege as, judging by the vocal score available at IMSLP, there are only 20 bars of Andante lento orchestral introduction before the first vocal entry. A substantial ballet begins Act IV, which I doubt will feature in the St Etienne performance being broadcast, but in any event that includes an occasional choral interjection.


You know my rules about opera - it was meant to be watched, not just heard.  :)  An overture, on the other hand, can be used to start just about anything, even a concert.

Alan Howe

I'll watch it - with the eyes of my imagination. It's almost bound to be better than what some clever-clever director comes up with.


Wow! Le Mage - not to be confused with Dame Edna's mate or Madonna - one of my Holy Grails!

Mark Thomas


For Massenet fans who cannot go to France, The Guildhall School of Music in London are doing La Navarraise and Le Portrait de Manon at The Silk Street theatre on Nov 1, 3, 5, and 7.  They will be sung in French. Tickets are £25.

Alan Howe

I'm just resurrecting this thread in the hope that someone is going to record Le Mage on 17th...

Mark Thomas

I intend to, but it is always better if at least a couple of us have a go...