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Andreae Concertos etc.

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 23 January 2013, 21:25

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Alan Howe

We're clearly on the same mailing list, Alan, for I spotted this one just before dinner. It increased the appetite! I've very much enjoyed the previous Andreae discs from Guild, and this one looks an especially full and welcome release. (And I've found purchasing direct from the Guild shop is a very quick, wholly reliable - and relatively inexpensive - business.)


Thank you Guild! I've enjoyed every bit of the music released so far. There can't be that big of a market for this unknown music, making Guild's offering something to be thankful for. Andreae is one of the very few conductors whose music I actually like.


I feel like I should understand that statement but don't (what makes one person a conductor who composes, another a composer who conducts?)
Trying to recall if I've heard Andreae's music yet; I like what I've seen. Will try to rectify, fill the difference.

eschiss1 the Guild recording of his string quartets and flute quartet a trial audition online (Dutch radio). ... good stuff, late-Romantic music with a hint of Debussy's Syrinx maybe in the last work (the op.43 flute quartet) (the E minor 2nd quartet of 1921-odd does suggest in its minor-mode movements some of the (moderately) gloomy pages of some of Myaskovsky's quartets (in nos. 6, 13...?) in harmonies, affect, sense of motion, ...  on a first listen, but as a great fan of the latter composer I mean to be nothing but complimentary.)