String Quartets by Arnold Mendelssohn

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 28 September 2012, 15:06

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Thank you, have seen the score of one and am curious about both :)

In another thread I wrote yesterday that each month sees at least 3-4 newly issued discs of unexpected and very welcome recordings of hitherto unrecorded works, and that these things amply counter any moans about the recorded music industry. Here is a perfect example!

I've come across Arnold Mendelssohn in my own reading, but haven't heard a note of his music. So this new CPO disc goes straight on the order list without hesitation. Besides, I have to order it since I just couldn't bear to think what I might be missing on a CPO disc of string quartets composed in this period.

I wonder if anyone who gets CPO discs straight off the record press and direct from Germany has heard the disc?


Peter, if you look in the German Music Folder of downloads, you'll find Mendelssohn's Cello Concerto.


Many thanks, Jerry. Very lazy of me not to look!