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Reicha Piano Concerto

Started by snl0609, Monday 08 October 2012, 04:06

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Does anyone know where to get a score of Reicha's piano concerto?


Well- I'd first contact Ron Drummond (he's probably one of the main Reicha authorities, I think) and ask if the piano concerto in E-flat of 1804 in the Wikipedia list he helped put together still exists, or is just mentioned in a reliable source, etc. ... :) (Actually, the sources for the Wikipedia list were:

Two principal work lists exist: one by Olga Šotolová in her book Antonín Rejcha: A Biography and Thematic Catalogue and another by Peter Eliot Stone in his article for the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. The former list contains a number of errors; these were corrected by Stone in his list.

So -- I'd go back to those sources at a library, university library probably, or perhaps, and see what one can find from there. I'll see what I can find too... )




Hold on...

There's a recording of it (well, of a piano concerto by Antonin Reicha, in E-flat major), "completed by Jan Krupka", on a Supraphon CD, if I'm reading correctly. So someone had the parts at one point, anyway, back in 1986. Radoslav Kvapil was the pianist.

(See CD description at Worldcat.)

Langtons Aunt

In fact I have that very recording right here, coupled with Josef Reicha's viola concerto Op.2 /1. According to the notes:
"It has been preserved in the form of a period copy containing the orchestral parts, with the exception of the second oboe part and the final twenty bars of the solo piano in the third movement, which have been completed by Hanus Krupka."


Ivan Ilic will be the soloist, I see, for a performance with the Ulster Orchestra in April of 2020.

Alan Howe

Is the same E flat PC we were discussing in the Czerny thread, Eric?


I believe so. (Edit: any "Unsung concerts thread" for 2019-20 seems to have been dropped fallow anyway, which is a pity... I notice something interesting even tonight...)

Alan Howe

Here's the link to the concert with the Reicha PC:
Conductor: Tianyi Lu.

Prelude to a recording, perhaps?


Members may already be aware that the pianist Ivan Ilic plans to record/release the Reicha piano concerto with Chandos Records.

If it has passed anyone by, the manuscript has been digitized in Paris here.

Gareth Vaughan

Thanks very much for this information.  Unfortunately,  the link does not work for me. It just produces an error message saying the page cannot be found!


Gareth Vaughan


Also from the BNF's description, to continue something mentioned earlier here --

"Les 44 dernières mesures de la partie de piano (p. 33-35), conservées comme fragment non identifié sous la cote MS-3830 (5), ont été réunies au reste du manuscrit en janvier 2019.
On a joint une reconstitution des 40 dernières mesures de la partie de piano par Ernst Bücken."

So the work was only completed in January 2019 and not published before then in any complete form.


Ivan Ilić's recording of the Reicha piano concerto has not been released yet by Chandos, but I assume this live performance by Jan Bartos and the Prague Radio SO under Vojtech Spurny also uses the now complete original score, given the date (19 Sept. 2024), rather than the earlier completion by Krupka: