Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek's "Holofernes"

Started by BerlinExpat, Sunday 29 May 2016, 13:54

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Mark Thomas

I'm away from home at present, Adriano, but if you can't upload the mp3s yourself I'll do that for you when I get back early next month.


I would be interested in the wav-Version as well.

After converting to equivalent lossless flac file(s) of about half the wav-size, I could also upload
these flacs to Mediafire.


Thanks Alan, but I really don't know how to upload.
Anybody interested in here can communicate me via messenger his e-mail address - and I'll send him the files (.wav or MP3) via wetransfer.com

Alan Howe

Thanks, Adriano. If nobody else offers, I'm sure Mark will step in when he returns next week.


The Bonn production of Holofernes can be bought there:
An exciting list they have...