Janis Medins Dainas on Toccata

Started by kyjo, Sunday 05 August 2012, 18:05

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Toccata Classics' In Preparation page reveals an upcoming recording of Janis Medins' 24 Dainas (folksongs) for piano played by Jonathan Powell. I have listened to these wonderful pieces before on YouTube (different performance) and they are far from being simple folksongs. They are virtuostic, late-romantic jewels in the style of Rachmaninov with a distinct Nordic touch. Medins (whose PC, available on YouTube, is utterly gorgeous) is able to pack lots of action, drama, and lyicism in these 2-4 minute pieces. This will be a must buy for lovers of late romantic piano music!

Martin Anderson

I'll let you know when we get the recording off to the factory and when we can expect stocks.
Martin (Toccata Classics)


Thank you very much, Martin for responding to my post. I'm truly honored to be spoken to by the founder of such a wonderful record label :). If you wouldn't mind, could you please reveal some upcoming releases besides the ones listed on the Toccata website? I've heard rumours of an RO Morris orchestral disc (listed on Michael Herman's excellent British Symphonies Discography as "forthcoming"). Also, will you be bringing out Enescu's Study Symphonies in your Unkown Enescu series or, possibly, more Sherwood? (Apologies for sounding greedy.) Long may Toccata continue to bring justice to the unsungs ;D ;D!

Alan Howe

I don't think that this is the place for Martin Anderson to be revealing his future recording plans. Let's just keep an eye on Toccata's very informative website.

An aside: I have no doubt that Martin would appreciate financial support for his projects. If only at least some professing enthusiasts out there would respond in a manner commensurate with their apparent enthusiasm...


I'm terribly sorry :-[. Being new to the site (and to forums in general), I need to practice my manners ;D. I'm sure whatever Martin's recording plans are, we'll be in his debt. I should probably just keep my mouth shut :-X.

Alan Howe

It's just that badgering record label bosses on public forums such as this is extremely unlikely to yield any information - and quite rightly so. After all, who would want to tip off the opposition and maybe allow them to bring out a rival recording? In this business, confidentiality is extremely important. That's why I'm always extremely careful about what I write here... 


You're absolutely right, Alan. I am not very experienced in the field of business, but what you say makes perfect sense. Aaargh, it's hard to keep my mouth shut ;).


kyjo - don't get too upset.  As I see it you were quite far from "badgering" this particular record boss.  You asked a simple question, which arose from your enthusiasm for the label and its interesting releases - nothing more.  I am certain no real harm was done and all that was called for was a simple "heads-up" by Herr Moderator.


Thank for your kind words, febnyc. I admit I got a little too upset! Meanwhile, back to Medins...

Mark Thomas


Two boxes of Medins just arrived via courier from Germany!

C R Lim


I have owned the Lp set with Ozolins since it was issued - it will make a fascinating comparison.

Martin Anderson

I forgot to return to say when the Medins (I can't do the diacriticals here) CD was available. And it has been for a few weeks now, I'm afraid: apologies for my forgetfulness.

As for revealing recording plans, I can do so for the immediate future, of course. The Ashton cello sonatas you already know about. The other November releases are:
The December releases will be the third volume of Sherban Lupu's and Ian Hobson's complete Ernst (TOCC 0163) and the first of Peter Sheppard Skærved's 30 Piccole sonate of Tartini.

Alan Howe