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Robert le Diable at Covent Garden

Started by Derek Hughes, Thursday 20 December 2012, 15:35

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Mark Thomas

Oh there are ways of attaching files to posts built into the software, and they are all fraught with serious security implications. Having had the old Raff forum destroyed by hacking, and keeping UC both hack and spam-free since its inception, I take a hard line on this issue and have disabled the ability to upload files to the site and display them in posts. Pictures can be displayed in posts by having them remotely hosted and using the bottom left icon in the Post Reply window to link to them, but that's it. Sorry to sound so plonking, but remote hosting is the only way to do it at UC.

Back to Robert...

Alan Howe

I'm with Mark 100% here. Site security trumps all other considerations. Sorry!


You could always try copy&pasting the content into a post here, depending on how big it is.  Assuming it's only a few pages, you could capture all the text, copy, and paste it into a post here all in less than 10 seconds, easy.

If the article is like an image-PDF or something along those lines, you may not be able to do that so easily.


If the moderator/owner does not object, I believe that it would be considerably easier for me to scan in the pages (only about four of moderate length) into an upload on this thread. Please let me know


Mark Thomas

Richard, assuming you mean that you'd scan and OCR them and then post the resulting plain text then there is absolutely no problem with a long, or indeed very long, post. Alternatively, if you have the article as a PDF then email it to me and I'll upload it and provide you with a link, or post it myself. I know that this is something of a pain, but everyone benefits from UC being hack and spam-free and I have seen too many forums with liberal posting policies (including my own) blighted by the evil denizens of the internet to allow it here. You may be interested to know that the defences of even this small, innocuous forum repelled 17 hacking attempts and attracted seven attempted registrations by spammers in the last 24 hours alone. "The price of freedom..." etc.

Mark Thomas

Richergar wrote:
Quotean excellent short essay by Cormac Newark on the strengths and liabilities of the work
Richard has kindly supplied this fascinating article as a PDF available here. It's a really worthwhile read and I thoroughly recommend it.