Sorabji: Sequentia Cyclica on Dutch Internet Radio

Started by Gijs vdM, Friday 19 April 2013, 18:30

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Gijs vdM

Dear all,

If you are interested in the music of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji, you might want to note the dates May 7 and May 14 in your agendas, for on these dates Sequentia Cyclica (or at least a large part thereof), as performed by Jonathan Powell in Glasgow on the 20th of June 2010,  will be broadcast on Internet Radio!
You can find details at the site: Go to Programmagids (or, if you select the English version, go to Schedule). The broadcasts are mentioned under May 6 and May 13 in the calender, because De Concertzender considers night-time broadcasts as belonging to the day before. Each broadcast will start at 00:00 (on the 7th and 14th), and lasts till 07:00 (Dutch times!). There is (I hope) the possibillity of 'listen on demand', select the little loudspeaker (this option is only available after the initial broadcasts have been!)


On the site the whole of Sequentia Cyclica is mentioned at the time of writing this, but that is incorrect. Since the work is actually a bit longer than the program, cuts had to be made, and have been made by Jonathan. What will be broadcast is the following:
Theme Largo. Legatissimo sempre e nello stile medioevale detto 'organum'
II. Moderato
III. Legato, soave e liscio
IV. Tranquillo e piano [Chorale prelude]
V. Ardito, focosamente
VIII. Tempo di Valzer con molta fantasia, disinvoltura e eleganza
IX. Capriccioso
X. Il tutto in una sonorità piena, dolce, morbida, calda e voluttuosa
XIII. Aria. Con fantasia e dolcezza
XVI. Punta d'organo
XV. Ispanica
XVI. Marcia funebre
XVII. Soave e dolce
XVIII. Duro, irato, energico
XIX. Quasi Debussy
XX. Spiccato, leggiero
XXI. Legatissimo, dolce e soave
XXII. Passacaglia [with 100 variations]
XXVI. Largamente pomposo e maestoso
XXVII. Fuga quintuplice a due, tre, quattro, cinque e sei voci ed a cinque soggetti.

There may be spoken 'intervals' at some points, I do not know that for sure as yet.

Still some 6h10mins!

Furthermore, the recording used is that made by David Carter (THANK YOU!), which is a private recording, i.e. not on the sound quality level of your top-level studio-produced SACD. For those for whom these things matter. Personally, it is the only recording of this stupendous work's only complete performance, as played equally stupendously by Jonathan Powell, and I would have been delighted by its recording even if it was made on a tin can. There will be a mention of the recording's sound quality on the program, but really, it is quite good enough!

All that said, there remains to be said a load of thanks to:
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji, for writing it;
Alistair Hinton, for preserving it;
Alex Abercrombie, for typesetting it;
Jonathan Powell, for performing it;
David Carter, for recording it;
De Concertzender, in the person of Gerard Meulenberg, for broadcasting it.
Without those, the program could not have been possible!

Sorabji is, sadly, beyond reach for thanksgivings, but the remainder are happily still present. Please do not hesitate to send thanks where thanks are due!


All best,


Alan Howe

Sorabji's music is way beyond our remit, but, rather than deleting the thread, I'll simply lock it so that it can at least be perused by anyone interested.