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Scarlatti Gieseking Friedman

Started by Rob H, Saturday 19 January 2013, 10:39

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Rob H

This looks fun! I only know Gieseking's own music from his entertaining Schorschi-Batschi (foxtrot) played by Hamelin at Husum in 1994 (Danacord DACOCD429) so can't imagine what this will be like but looking forward to finding out. If nothing else this CD gives us the Scarlatti/Tausig and Scarlatti/Friedman that have (to my knowledge) never been recorded. The Tausig Pastorale and Capriccio were endlessly recorded once upon a time but the other three sonatas he transcribed have languished as have the two Friedman.
On that matter I wish there was someone who would record the complete Friedman transcriptions - they're so well written, vastly entertaining, occasionally OTT (I know some don't like this but I love it) and extremely imaginative. They have appeared piecemeal over the years in performances from excellent to dodgy (either performance or sound quality - what a shame Gunnar Johansen's recordings are in such poor sound) but several have still not been brought to light. My own poor fingers are no match for Friedman's intricate and virtuoso writing unfortunately.


Worth it for the transcriptions alone I would say and yes, I too wish someone would record the complete Friedman transcriptions.

Friedman is not overly complex like Godowsky and is easier on my ears as well as easier on my fingers.



Anyone who likes Scarlatti played on the piano should thoroughly enjoy Scarlatti Illuminated by Joseph Moog on Onyx.
Apart from straight Scarlatti, well performed, there are the elaborations by Tausig and Friedman, and then the pearl of the CD, the Gieseking Chaconne on K32 (Scarlatti's original is also on the CD).
Do try it!


Maybe not the place to ask, but does anyone know if Friedman wrote a violin sonata?  I have a download made some months ago of a violin sonata and have it by a Frieman but can find nothing on it and now have no clue where I got it from.  Any help would be appreciated.



Hrm. Don't know- must try to look into that... I wonder if there's a recording anywhere of his piano quintet?

X. Trapnel

Does anybody know of a complete Gieseking work list? His Quintet for Piano and Winds is gorgeous, part Delius, part Ravel.

Rob H

This seems to be getting off Moog Scarlatti and onto Friedman so I've started a Friedman thread.


Maybe it's as well, posts about Moog tend to get a bit synthetic if you ask me.